6 Supported Maps and Features
James Lyne edited this page 2022-02-28 14:46:35 +00:00


Feature Dynmap Squaremap Pl3xmap Overviewer
Player markers -
Player facing direction - -
Custom player images - -
Marker popups
Marker tooltips - -
Tile updates -
Custom tile sizes - -
Marker updates -
Following players -
Location display
Link button
Proprietary URLs
Custom map icons -
Clock - - -
Logos - - -
Chat - - -
Chat balloons - - -
Login/register - - -
Inactivity timeout - - -
Overlay tilesets - - -
Render progress - - -



  • The focuschatballoons setting for the chatballoons component is not supported
    • This feature was deemed to be undesirable as it interferes with map navigation.
  • The sendbutton setting for the chatbox component is not respected
    • The LiveAtlas chatbox always has a send button for improved accessibility.
  • The sidebarmarkers component is not respected
    • As of 3.0.0-beta.1, LiveAtlas has its own marker list which is always enabled. It is comparable to sidebarmarkers but is grouped by marker set, displays all marker types, is searchable and displays marker labels in addition to icons.


  • The nameplates.enabled, show_controls and z_index settings in player_tracker are not supported
    • These settings may be supported in a future version of LiveAtlas.
  • The marker_update_interval setting is not supported
    • Marker updates for Squaremap/Pl3xmap are not currently supported in LiveAtlas as both plugins lack a way of identifying specific markers or when they have changed. This means that marker update handling could only be implemented by removing all existing markers and recreating them with the newest marker response. Whilst possible this approach is wasteful and does not scale well, causing browser performance issues at higher marker counts.


  • The showlocationmarker setting is not respected
    • A future version of LiveAtlas will support URL based markers for all map types, which would be configured separately.
  • The zoom level in Overviewer URLs is currently ignored. All other URL components will be respected.
    • Unlike other maps, Overviewer does not put absolute zoom levels in its URLs, instead using "min"/"max" or a negative value representing the distance from the map's max zoom level. Resolving this to an absolute zoom level requires knowing the min/max zoom levels for the target map, which is currently not possible at the point where LiveAtlas parses the URL.
  • Most overviewer modifications are not supported
    • Any modification that requires changes to the frontend is not supported. Other modifications may be supported if they provide extra markers in the vanilla overviewer way of appending to the markersDB or markers global objects.