James Lyne edited this page 2022-02-28 14:23:35 +00:00

The installation process for LiveAtlas varies depending on where you choose to install it.

LiveAtlas will function as a drop-in replacement for a single Dynmap installation on an internal or external webserver, and with a little extra configuration for a Squaremap, Pl3xmap or Overviewer installation. Using an external webserver is highly recommended as it offers the most flexibility and compatibility.

If you don't know which guide to follow, you probably want the internal webserver guide for your chosen map plugin. Overviewer has no internal webserver, so follow the external webserver guide for that.

Dynmap internal webserver installation

LiveAtlas is a drop-in replacement for the default Dynmap UI and should work without additional configuration.

  1. Download the latest release

  2. Extract into the plugins/dynmap/web folder on your Minecraft server.

    The existing index.html should be overwritten.

  3. Prevent Dynmap overwriting LiveAtlas' index.html:

    • (Dynmap v3.3.2 or newer) Set update-webpath-files to false in Dynmap's configuration.txt
    • (Older versions) Set index.html as read-only.
  4. Clear any CDN caches you may have.

    If you don't know what this means then don't worry about it.

  5. Done.

Squaremap/Pl3xmap internal webserver installation

LiveAtlas by default expects a Dynmap installation, and requires some extra configuration to work with Squaremap or Pl3xmap.

  1. Download the latest release

  2. Extract into the plugins/Squaremap/web or plugins/Pl3xMap/web folder on your Minecraft server.

    The existing index.html should be overwritten.

  3. Open Squaremap/Pl3xmap's config.yml and set auto-update to false.

    This will prevent LiveAtlas files from being overwritten.

  4. Update window.liveAtlasConfig in index.html.

    Update the servers config to the below:

     servers: {
         pl3xmap: {
             pl3xmap: window.location.pathname

    This will configure LiveAtlas to expect a Squaremap or Pl3xmap installation.

  5. Remove the standalone/config.js <script> tag from index.html

    This file is not required for Squaremap or Pl3xmap, and removing this <script> will avoid an unnecessary extra request.

  6. Clear any CDN caches you may have.

    If you don't know what this means then don't worry about it.

  7. Done.

External webserver installation

LiveAtlas is a drop-in replacement for an existing Dynmap installation on an external webserver. Squaremap, Pl3xmap, Overviewer and multiple server support require additional configuration.

  1. Follow the Dynmap or Pl3xmap guides for setting up an external server if required.

  2. Download the latest release

  3. Extract into your webserver root.

    Any existing index.html should be overwritten.

  4. Configure as required

  5. Clear any CDN caches you may have.

    If you don't know what this means then don't worry about it.

  6. Done