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Daniel Scalzi edited this page 2020-06-09 13:14:11 -04:00

aventium softworks

Helios Launcher Wiki

A collection of support articles for Helios Launcher.

Wiki Contents

Why A Custom Launcher?

Helios provides operators of modded severs with a seamless way to deploy continous updates to clients.

Launcher Data Folder

All game files are stored in the the data folder. You can change this value under Launcher Settings.

Default Locations

  • Windows AppData/Roaming/.helioslauncher/
  • macOS ~/Library/Application Support/.helioslauncher/
  • Linux /home/.helioslauncher/

Screenshots and world saves are stored in the instance folder for the corresponding server configuration. .helioslauncher/instances/{SERVER}

The launcher configuration files (config.json, distribution.json) are stored in the userData folder.

  • Windows %APPDATA%/Helios Launcher
  • macOS ~/Library/Application Support/Helios Launcher
  • Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Helios Launcher or ~/.config/Helios Launcher