Fixed launcher.js not checking the correct return value when verifying the configured Java executable.
Removed debug logging from configmanager.js.
Updated dependencies.
Made the layout for the status container more comprehensive.
Added a spacer to the bottom of news article content.
Disabled tabbing between the landing and news containers.
Major improvements to distribution index loading.
Implemented new transitional UI for startup.
If **no** distribution index is loaded on startup, completion of startup will be prevented and the user will be shown a message displaying the issue.
Launch errors are now shown as overlays.
Many more minor fixes and enhancements.
Added News UI and implemented functionality.
Removed westeroscraft.xml as we don't need to cache it.
Updated westeroscraft.json.
Updated Electron to v2.0.0
Updated PackXZExtract to v1.0.1.
If no files are queued for extraction, the step is skipped.
The UI now shows some indication that the extraction is in progress.
The server list is now dynamically generated based on the servers listed in the distribution index. Also, moved to event.key for key bindings as event.keyCode is deprecated.
Basic selection and updating of the selected server has been added. There are a few subtle mechanics which need to be added still, such as keybind shortcuts (enter to submit, etc). In addition, functionality still needs to be added to generate the list of servers from the manifest file.
Fixed a minor issue with the login view.
Updated play button styles.
Updated dependencies.
The temporary span which displayed the selected server has been changed to a button. Clicking this button will open the server selection view. The server selection view is still pending full implementation.
Moved server selection styles to launcher.css, as they are nearly finished.
Moved overlay convenience functions to overlay.js.
Moved launch area (landing.ejs) convenience functions to landing.js.
Various cleanups and documentation also added.
Moved landing.ejs specific scripts to a dedicated file. General cleanup for other script files. Need to examine the remaining code in actionbinder.js to determine the most logical place for it.