//TODO Delete this file ;(function(root, factory) { if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(window, document) } else { root.SimpleScrollbar = factory(window, document) } })(this, function(w, d) { var raf = w.requestAnimationFrame || w.setImmediate || function(c) { return setTimeout(c, 0); }; function initEl(el) { Object.defineProperty(el, 'data-simple-scrollbar', { value: new SimpleScrollbar(el), configurable: true }); } function unbindEl(el) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(el, 'data-simple-scrollbar')) return; el['data-simple-scrollbar'].unBind(); //Remove the elements property delete el['data-simple-scrollbar']; } // Mouse drag handler function dragDealer(el, context) { var lastPageY; el.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { lastPageY = e.pageY; el.classList.add('ss-grabbed'); d.body.classList.add('ss-grabbed'); d.addEventListener('mousemove', drag); d.addEventListener('mouseup', stop); return false; }); function drag(e) { var delta = e.pageY - lastPageY; lastPageY = e.pageY; raf(function() { context.el.scrollTop += delta / context.scrollRatio; }); } function stop() { el.classList.remove('ss-grabbed'); d.body.classList.remove('ss-grabbed'); d.removeEventListener('mousemove', drag); d.removeEventListener('mouseup', stop); } } // Constructor function ss(el) { this.target = el; this.content = el.firstElementChild; this.direction = w.getComputedStyle(this.target).direction; this.bar = '
'; //Create a reference to the function binding to remove the event listeners this.mB = this.moveBar.bind(this); this.wrapper = d.createElement('div'); this.wrapper.setAttribute('class', 'ss-wrapper'); this.el = d.createElement('div'); this.el.setAttribute('class', 'ss-content'); if (this.direction === 'rtl') { this.el.classList.add('rtl'); } this.wrapper.appendChild(this.el); while (this.target.firstChild) { this.el.appendChild(this.target.firstChild); } this.target.appendChild(this.wrapper); this.target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.bar); this.bar = this.target.lastChild; dragDealer(this.bar, this); this.moveBar(); w.addEventListener('resize', this.mB); this.el.addEventListener('scroll', this.mB); this.el.addEventListener('mouseenter', this.mB); this.target.classList.add('ss-container'); var css = w.getComputedStyle(el); if (css['height'] === '0px' && css['max-height'] !== '0px') { el.style.height = css['max-height']; } this.unBind = function() { //Remove event listeners w.removeEventListener('resize', this.mB); this.el.removeEventListener('scroll', this.mB); this.el.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this.mB); this.target.classList.remove('ss-container'); //Unwrap the initial content and remove remaining wrappers this.target.insertBefore(this.content, this.wrapper); this.target.removeChild(this.wrapper); //Remove the bar including its drag-dealer event listener this.target.removeChild(this.bar); this.bar = null; //make way for the garbage collector } } ss.prototype = { moveBar: function(e) { var totalHeight = this.el.scrollHeight, ownHeight = this.el.clientHeight, _this = this; this.scrollRatio = ownHeight / totalHeight; var isRtl = _this.direction === 'rtl'; var right = isRtl ? (_this.target.clientWidth - _this.bar.clientWidth + 18) : (_this.target.clientWidth - _this.bar.clientWidth) * -1; raf(function() { // Hide scrollbar if no scrolling is possible if(_this.scrollRatio >= 1) { _this.bar.classList.add('ss-hidden') } else { _this.bar.classList.remove('ss-hidden') _this.bar.style.cssText = 'height:' + Math.max(_this.scrollRatio * 100, 10) + '%; top:' + (_this.el.scrollTop / totalHeight ) * 100 + '%;right:' + right + 'px;'; } }); } } function initAll() { var nodes = d.querySelectorAll('*[ss-container]'); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { initEl(nodes[i]); } } function unbindAll() { var nodes = d.querySelectorAll('.ss-container'); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { unbindEl(nodes[i]); } } d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initAll); ss.initEl = initEl; ss.initAll = initAll; ss.unbindEl = unbindEl; ss.unbindAll = unbindAll; var SimpleScrollbar = ss; return SimpleScrollbar; });