Daniel Scalzi ec9e95c130
Working on binding each view together.
Separate views are stored in an ejs file. When the app starts, each file will be loaded, with the DOM elements hidden. Based on the state of the application, a specific view will be fadded in. Switching between views will use this principle.

Moved contents of index.ejs to landing.ejs to make it compatible with the new format. As a result, index.ejs is deprecated and will be removed once it is no longer needed for reference.
2018-04-02 16:05:48 -04:00

258 lines
10 KiB

const cp = require('child_process')
const path = require('path')
const {AssetGuard} = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetguard.js'))
const ProcessBuilder = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'processbuilder.js'))
const ConfigManager = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'configmanager.js'))
const DiscordWrapper = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'discordwrapper.js'))
const Mojang = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'mojang.js'))
const AuthManager = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'authmanager.js'))
let mojangStatusListener
// Launch Elements
let launch_content, launch_details, launch_progress, launch_progress_label, launch_details_text
// Synchronous Listener
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(){
if (document.readyState === 'complete'){
} else {
if (document.readyState === 'interactive'){
// Save a reference to the launch elements.
launch_content = document.getElementById('launch_content')
launch_details = document.getElementById('launch_details')
launch_progress = document.getElementById('launch_progress')
launch_progress_label = document.getElementById('launch_progress_label')
launch_details_text = document.getElementById('launch_details_text')
// Bind launch button
document.getElementById('launch_button').addEventListener('click', function(e){
console.log('Launching game..')
// TODO convert this to dropdown menu.
// Bind selected server
document.getElementById('server_selection').innerHTML = '\u2022 ' + AssetGuard.getServerById(ConfigManager.getGameDirectory(), ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).name
// Update Mojang Status Color
const refreshMojangStatuses = async function(){
console.log('Refreshing Mojang Statuses..')
try {
let status = 'grey'
const statuses = await Mojang.status()
greenCount = 0
for(let i=0; i<statuses.length; i++){
if(statuses[i].status === 'yellow' && status !== 'red'){
status = 'yellow'
} else if(statuses[i].status === 'red'){
status = 'red'
if(greenCount == statuses.length){
status = 'green'
document.getElementById('mojang_status_icon').style.color = Mojang.statusToHex(status)
} catch (err) {
console.error('Unable to refresh Mojang service status..', err)
// Set refresh rate to once every 5 minutes.
mojangStatusListener = setInterval(refreshMojangStatuses, 300000)
}, false)
// Keep reference to Minecraft Process
let proc
// Is DiscordRPC enabled
let hasRPC = false
// Joined server regex
const servJoined = /[[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\] \[Client thread\/INFO\]: \[CHAT\] [a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,16} joined the game/g
const gameJoined = /\[[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\] \[Client thread\/WARN\]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:/g
const gameJoined2 = /\[[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\] \[Client thread\/INFO\]: Created: \d+x\d+ textures-atlas/g
let aEx
let currentProc
let serv
let versionData
let forgeData
function dlAsync(login = true){
// Login parameter is temporary for debug purposes. Allows testing the validation/downloads without
// launching the game.
if(login) {
if(ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() == null){
console.error('login first.')
//in devtools AuthManager.addAccount(username, pass)
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Please wait..'
launch_progress.setAttribute('max', '100') = 'flex' = 'none'
aEx = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetexec.js'), [
aEx.on('message', (m) => {
if(currentProc === 'validateDistribution'){
launch_progress.setAttribute('value', 20)
launch_progress_label.innerHTML = '20%'
serv = m.result
console.log('forge stuff done')
// Begin version load.
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Loading version information..'
currentProc = 'loadVersionData'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc, argsArr: [serv.mc_version]})
} else if(currentProc === 'loadVersionData'){
launch_progress.setAttribute('value', 40)
launch_progress_label.innerHTML = '40%'
versionData = m.result
// Begin asset validation.
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Validating asset integrity..'
currentProc = 'validateAssets'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc, argsArr: [versionData]})
} else if(currentProc === 'validateAssets'){
launch_progress.setAttribute('value', 60)
launch_progress_label.innerHTML = '60%'
console.log('assets done')
// Begin library validation.
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Validating library integrity..'
currentProc = 'validateLibraries'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc, argsArr: [versionData]})
} else if(currentProc === 'validateLibraries'){
launch_progress.setAttribute('value', 80)
launch_progress_label.innerHTML = '80%'
console.log('libs done')
// Begin miscellaneous validation.
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Validating miscellaneous file integrity..'
currentProc = 'validateMiscellaneous'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc, argsArr: [versionData]})
} else if(currentProc === 'validateMiscellaneous'){
launch_progress.setAttribute('value', 100)
launch_progress_label.innerHTML = '100%'
console.log('files done')
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Downloading files..'
currentProc = 'processDlQueues'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc})
} else if(currentProc === 'processDlQueues'){
if(m.task === 0){
launch_progress.setAttribute('value', m.value)
launch_progress_label.innerHTML = m.percent + '%'
} else if(m.task === 1){
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Preparing to launch..'
currentProc = 'loadForgeData'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc, argsArr: []})
} else {
console.error('Unknown download data type.', m)
} else if(currentProc === 'loadForgeData'){
forgeData = m.result
if(login) {
//if(!(await AuthManager.validateSelected())){
const authUser = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount();
console.log('authu', authUser)
let pb = new ProcessBuilder(ConfigManager.getGameDirectory(), serv, versionData, forgeData, authUser)
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Launching game..'
proc =
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Done. Enjoy the server!'
const tempListener = function(data){
if(data.indexOf('[Client thread/INFO]: -- System Details --') > -1){ = 'none' = 'inline-flex'
DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Loading game..')
proc.stdout.removeListener('data', tempListener)
const gameStateChange = function(data){
DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Exploring the Realm!')
} else if(gameJoined.test(data)){
DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Idling on Main Menu')
proc.stdout.on('data', tempListener)
proc.stdout.on('data', gameStateChange)
// Init Discord Hook (Untested)
const distro = AssetGuard.retrieveDistributionDataSync(ConfigManager.getGameDirectory)
if(distro.discord != null && serv.discord != null){
DiscordWrapper.initRPC(distro.discord, serv.discord)
hasRPC = true
proc.on('close', (code, signal) => {
console.log('Shutting down Discord Rich Presence..')
hasRPC = false
proc = null
} catch(err) {
//launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Error: ' + err.message;
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Error: See log for details..';
setTimeout(function(){ = 'none' = 'inline-flex'
}, 5000)
// Disconnect from AssetExec
launch_details_text.innerHTML = 'Loading server information..'
currentProc = 'validateDistribution'
aEx.send({task: 0, content: currentProc, argsArr: [ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()]})