Daniel Scalzi 4b2cac1eff
Completed Java validation for windows.
Possible paths are pulled from the registry and JAVA_HOME. These are sorted by version and whether they point to a JRE or JDK. Each path will be validated using an experimental option which yields the arch of the binary. The first one to  be validated will be selected and returned.
2018-03-28 17:13:11 -04:00

236 lines
7.0 KiB

const cp = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const Registry = require('winreg')
* Attempts to find a valid x64 installation of Java on Windows machines.
* Possible paths will be pulled from the registry and the JAVA_HOME environment
* variable. The paths will be sorted with higher versions preceeding lower, and
* JREs preceeding JDKs. The binaries at the sorted paths will then be validated.
* The first validated is returned.
* Higher versions > Lower versions
* If versions are equal, JRE > JDK.
* @returns {string} The root path of a valid x64 Java installation. If none are
* found, null is returned.
async function _win32Validate(){
// Get possible paths from the registry.
const pathSet = await _scanRegistry()
console.log(Array.from(pathSet)) // DEBUGGING
// Validate JAVA_HOME
const jHome = _scanJavaHome()
if(jHome != null && jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){
// Convert path set to an array for processing.
let pathArr = Array.from(pathSet)
console.log(pathArr) // DEBUGGING
// Sorts array. Higher version numbers preceed lower. JRE preceeds JDK.
pathArr = pathArr.sort((a, b) => {
// Note that Java 9+ uses semver and that will need to be accounted for in
// the future.
const aVer = parseInt(a.split('_')[1])
const bVer = parseInt(b.split('_')[1])
if(bVer === aVer){
return a.indexOf('jdk') > -1 ? 1 : 0
} else {
return bVer - aVer
console.log(pathArr) // DEBUGGING
// Validate that the binary is actually x64.
for(let i=0; i<pathArr.length; i++) {
let res = await _validateBinary(pathArr[i])
return pathArr[i]
// No suitable candidates found.
return null;
* Validates that a Java binary is at least 64 bit. This makes use of the non-standard
* command line option -XshowSettings:properties. The output of this contains a property,
* = ARCH, in which ARCH is either 32 or 64. This option is supported
* in Java 8 and 9. Since this is a non-standard option. This will resolve to true if
* the function's code throws errors. That would indicate that the option is changed or
* removed.
* @param {string} binaryPath Path to the root of the java binary we wish to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<boolean>} Resolves to false only if the test is successful and the result
* is less than 64.
function _validateBinary(binaryPath){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fBp = path.join(binaryPath, 'bin', 'java.exe')
cp.exec('"' + fBp + '" -XshowSettings:properties', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
try {
// Output is stored in stderr?
const res = stderr
const props = res.split('\n')
for(let i=0; i<props.length; i++){
if(props[i].indexOf('') > -1){
let arch = props[i].split('=')[1].trim()
console.log(props[i].trim() + ' for ' + binaryPath)
resolve(parseInt(arch) >= 64)
// not found?
// Disregard this test.
} catch (err){
// Output format might have changed, validation cannot be completed.
// Disregard this test in that case.
* Checks for the presence of the environment variable JAVA_HOME. If it exits, we will check
* to see if the value points to a path which exists. If the path exits, the path is returned.
* @returns {string} The path defined by JAVA_HOME, if it exists. Otherwise null.
function _scanJavaHome(){
const jHome = process.env.JAVA_HOME
try {
let res = fs.existsSync(jHome)
return res ? jHome : null
} catch (err) {
// Malformed JAVA_HOME property.
return null
* Scans the registry for 64-bit Java entries. The paths of each entry are added to
* a set and returned. Currently, only Java 8 (1.8) is supported.
* @returns {Promise.<Set.<string>>} A promise which resolves to a set of 64-bit Java root
* paths found in the registry.
function _scanRegistry(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Keys for Java v9.0.0 and later:
// 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JRE'
// 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JDK'
// Forge does not yet support Java 9, therefore we do not.
let cbTracker = 0
let cbAcc = 0
// Keys for Java 1.8 and prior:
const regKeys = [
'\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment',
'\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit'
const candidates = new Set()
for(let i=0; i<regKeys.length; i++){
const key = new Registry({
hive: Registry.HKLM,
key: regKeys[i],
arch: 'x64'
key.keys((err, javaVers) => {
if(i === regKeys.length-1){
} else {
cbTracker += javaVers.length
if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbTracker === cbAcc){
for(let j=0; j<javaVers.length; j++){
const javaVer = javaVers[j]
const vKey = javaVer.key.substring(javaVer.key.lastIndexOf('\\')+1)
// Only Java 8 is supported currently.
if(parseFloat(vKey) === 1.8){
javaVer.get('JavaHome', (err, res) => {
const jHome = res.value
if(jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){
if(cbAcc === cbTracker){
* WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on macOS.
function _darwinValidate(){
return null
* WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on linux.
function _linuxValidate(){
return null
// This will eventually return something.
async function validate(){
let res = null
const opSys = process.platform
if(opSys === 'win32'){
res = await _win32Validate()
} else if(opSys === 'darwin'){
res = _darwinValidate()
} else if(opSys === 'linux'){
res = _linuxValidate()
return res;
async function test(){
console.log(await validate())
module.exports = {