Daniel Scalzi 8f172a41e6
Documented new functions in processbuilder. Minor fixes.
Recursive call now uses the proper parameter (.mods).
Submodules are only parsed if the parent mod is enabled for launch.
2018-06-30 03:16:57 -04:00

490 lines
19 KiB

const AdmZip = require('adm-zip')
const {AssetGuard, Library} = require('./assetguard.js')
const child_process = require('child_process')
const ConfigManager = require('./configmanager.js')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fs = require('fs')
const mkpath = require('mkdirp')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const {URL} = require('url')
class ProcessBuilder {
constructor(distroServer, versionData, forgeData, authUser){
this.gameDir = path.join(ConfigManager.getInstanceDirectory(),
this.commonDir = ConfigManager.getCommonDirectory()
this.server = distroServer
this.versionData = versionData
this.forgeData = forgeData
this.authUser = authUser
this.fmlDir = path.join(this.gameDir, 'forgeModList.json')
this.llDir = path.join(this.gameDir, 'liteloaderModList.json')
this.libPath = path.join(this.commonDir, 'libraries')
this.usingLiteLoader = false
this.llPath = null
* Convienence method to run the functions typically used to build a process.
const tempNativePath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), ConfigManager.getTempNativeFolder(), crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString('hex'))
process.throwDeprecation = true
const modObj = this.resolveModConfiguration(ConfigManager.getModConfiguration(, this.server.modules)
this.constructModList('forge', modObj.fMods, true)
this.constructModList('liteloader', modObj.lMods, true)
const uberModArr = modObj.fMods.concat(modObj.lMods)
const args = this.constructJVMArguments(uberModArr, tempNativePath)
const child = child_process.spawn(ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable(), args, {
cwd: this.gameDir,
detached: ConfigManager.getLaunchDetached()
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log('Minecraft:', data.toString('utf8'))
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.log('Minecraft:', data.toString('utf8'))
child.on('close', (code, signal) => {
console.log('Exited with code', code)
rimraf(tempNativePath, (err) => {
console.warn('Error while deleting temp dir', err)
} else {
console.log('Temp dir deleted successfully.')
return child
* Determine if an optional mod is enabled from its configuration value. If the
* configuration value is null, the required object will be used to
* determine if it is enabled.
* A mod is enabled if:
* * The configuration is not null and one of the following:
* * The configuration is a boolean and true.
* * The configuration is an object and its 'value' property is true.
* * The configuration is null and one of the following:
* * The required object is null.
* * The required object's 'def' property is null or true.
* @param {Object | boolean} modCfg The mod configuration object.
* @param {Object} required Optional. The required object from the mod's distro declaration.
* @returns {boolean} True if the mod is enabled, false otherwise.
static isModEnabled(modCfg, required = null){
return modCfg != null ? ((typeof modCfg === 'boolean' && modCfg) || (typeof modCfg === 'object' && modCfg.value)) : required != null && required.def != null ? required.def : true
* Determine if a mod is optional.
* A mod is optional if its required object is not null and its 'value'
* property is false.
* @param {Object} mdl The mod distro module.
* @returns {boolean} True if the mod is optional, otherwise false.
static isModOptional(mdl){
return mdl.required != null && mdl.required.value != null && mdl.required.value === false
* Function which performs a preliminary scan of the top level
* mods. If liteloader is present here, we setup the special liteloader
* launch options. Note that liteloader is only allowed as a top level
* mod. It must not be declared as a submodule.
const mdls = this.server.modules
for(let i=0; i<mdls.length; i++){
if(mdls[i].type === 'liteloader'){
const ll = mdls[i]
const modCfg = ConfigManager.getModConfiguration(
if(ProcessBuilder.isModEnabled(modCfg[AssetGuard._resolveWithoutVersion(], ll.required)){
this.usingLiteLoader = true
this.llPath = path.join(this.libPath, ll.artifact.path == null ? AssetGuard._resolvePath(, ll.artifact.extension) : ll.artifact.path)
} else {
this.usingLiteLoader = true
this.llPath = path.join(this.libPath, ll.artifact.path == null ? AssetGuard._resolvePath(, ll.artifact.extension) : ll.artifact.path)
* Resolve an array of all enabled mods. These mods will be constructed into
* a mod list format and enabled at launch.
* @param {Object} modCfg The mod configuration object.
* @param {Array.<Object>} mdls An array of modules to parse.
* @returns {{fMods: Array.<Object>, lMods: Array.<Object>}} An object which contains
* a list of enabled forge mods and litemods.
resolveModConfiguration(modCfg, mdls){
let fMods = []
let lMods = []
for(let i=0; i<mdls.length; i++){
const mdl = mdls[i]
if(mdl.type != null && (mdl.type === 'forgemod' || mdl.type === 'litemod' || mdl.type === 'liteloader')){
const o = ProcessBuilder.isModOptional(mdl)
const e = ProcessBuilder.isModEnabled(modCfg[AssetGuard._resolveWithoutVersion(], mdl.required)
if(!o || (o && e)){
if(mdl.sub_modules != null){
const v = this.resolveModConfiguration(modCfg[AssetGuard._resolveWithoutVersion(].mods, mdl.sub_modules)
fMods = fMods.concat(v.fMods)
lMods = lMods.concat(v.lMods)
if(mdl.type === 'liteloader'){
if(mdl.type === 'forgemod'){
} else {
return {
* Construct a mod list json object.
* @param {'forge' | 'liteloader'} type The mod list type to construct.
* @param {Array.<Object>} mods An array of mods to add to the mod list.
* @param {boolean} save Optional. Whether or not we should save the mod list file.
constructModList(type, mods, save = false){
const modList = {
repositoryRoot: path.join(this.commonDir, 'modstore')
const ids = []
if(type === 'forge'){
for(let i=0; i<mods.length; ++i){
} else {
for(let i=0; i<mods.length; ++i){
ids.push(mods[i].id + '@' + (mods[i].artifact.extension != null ? mods[i].artifact.extension.substring(1) : 'jar'))
modList.modRef = ids
const json = JSON.stringify(modList, null, 4)
fs.writeFileSync(type === 'forge' ? this.fmlDir : this.llDir, json, 'UTF-8')
return modList
* Construct the argument array that will be passed to the JVM process.
* @param {Array.<Object>} mods An array of enabled mods which will be launched with this process.
* @param {string} tempNativePath The path to store the native libraries.
* @returns {Array.<string>} An array containing the full JVM arguments for this process.
constructJVMArguments(mods, tempNativePath){
let args = ['-Xmx' + ConfigManager.getMaxRAM(),
'-Xms' + ConfigManager.getMinRAM(),
'-Djava.library.path=' + tempNativePath,
this.classpathArg(mods, tempNativePath).join(process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':'),
if(process.platform === 'darwin'){
args.unshift('-Xdock:icon=' + path.join(__dirname, '..', 'images', 'minecraft.icns'))
args.splice(2, 0, ...ConfigManager.getJVMOptions())
args = args.concat(this._resolveForgeArgs())
return args
* Resolve the arguments required by forge.
* @returns {Array.<string>} An array containing the arguments required by forge.
const mcArgs = this.forgeData.minecraftArguments.split(' ')
const argDiscovery = /\${*(.*)}/
// Replace the declared variables with their proper values.
for(let i=0; i<mcArgs.length; ++i){
const identifier = mcArgs[i].match(argDiscovery)[1]
let val = null;
case 'auth_player_name':
val = this.authUser.displayName
case 'version_name':
//val =
val =
case 'game_directory':
val = this.gameDir
case 'assets_root':
val = path.join(this.commonDir, 'assets')
case 'assets_index_name':
val = this.versionData.assets
case 'auth_uuid':
val = this.authUser.uuid
case 'auth_access_token':
val = this.authUser.accessToken
case 'user_type':
val = 'MOJANG'
case 'version_type':
val = this.versionData.type
if(val != null){
mcArgs[i] = val;
mcArgs.push('absolute:' + this.fmlDir)
// Prepare game resolution
} else {
// Prepare autoconnect
if(ConfigManager.getAutoConnect() && this.server.autoconnect){
const serverURL = new URL('my://' + this.server.server_ip)
return mcArgs
* Resolve the full classpath argument list for this process. This method will resolve all Mojang-declared
* libraries as well as the libraries declared by the server. Since mods are permitted to declare libraries,
* this method requires all enabled mods as an input
* @param {Array.<Object>} mods An array of enabled mods which will be launched with this process.
* @param {string} tempNativePath The path to store the native libraries.
* @returns {Array.<string>} An array containing the paths of each library required by this process.
classpathArg(mods, tempNativePath){
let cpArgs = []
// Add the version.jar to the classpath.
const version =
cpArgs.push(path.join(this.commonDir, 'versions', version, version + '.jar'))
// Resolve the Mojang declared libraries.
const mojangLibs = this._resolveMojangLibraries(tempNativePath)
cpArgs = cpArgs.concat(mojangLibs)
// Resolve the server declared libraries.
const servLibs = this._resolveServerLibraries(mods)
cpArgs = cpArgs.concat(servLibs)
return cpArgs
* Resolve the libraries defined by Mojang's version data. This method will also extract
* native libraries and point to the correct location for its classpath.
* TODO - clean up function
* @param {string} tempNativePath The path to store the native libraries.
* @returns {Array.<string>} An array containing the paths of each library mojang declares.
const libs = []
const libArr = this.versionData.libraries
for(let i=0; i<libArr.length; i++){
const lib = libArr[i]
if(lib.natives == null){
const dlInfo = lib.downloads
const artifact = dlInfo.artifact
const to = path.join(this.libPath, artifact.path)
} else {
// Extract the native library.
const natives = lib.natives
const extractInst = lib.extract
const exclusionArr = extractInst.exclude
const opSys = Library.mojangFriendlyOS()
const indexId = natives[opSys]
const dlInfo = lib.downloads
const classifiers = dlInfo.classifiers
const artifact = classifiers[indexId]
// Location of native zip.
const to = path.join(this.libPath, artifact.path)
let zip = new AdmZip(to)
let zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
// Unzip the native zip.
for(let i=0; i<zipEntries.length; i++){
const fileName = zipEntries[i].entryName
let shouldExclude = false
// Exclude noted files.
if(fileName.indexOf(exclusion) > -1){
shouldExclude = true
// Extract the file.
fs.writeFile(path.join(tempNativePath, fileName), zipEntries[i].getData(), (err) => {
console.error('Error while extracting native library:', err)
return libs
* Resolve the libraries declared by this server in order to add them to the classpath.
* This method will also check each enabled mod for libraries, as mods are permitted to
* declare libraries.
* @param {Array.<Object>} mods An array of enabled mods which will be launched with this process.
* @returns {Array.<string>} An array containing the paths of each library this server requires.
const mdles = this.server.modules
let libs = []
// Locate Forge/Libraries
for(let i=0; i<mdles.length; i++){
if(mdles[i].type != null && (mdles[i].type === 'forge-hosted' || mdles[i].type === 'library')){
let lib = mdles[i]
libs.push(path.join(this.libPath, lib.artifact.path == null ? AssetGuard._resolvePath(, lib.artifact.extension) : lib.artifact.path))
if(lib.sub_modules != null){
const res = this._resolveModuleLibraries(lib)
if(res.length > 0){
libs = libs.concat(res)
//Check for any libraries in our mod list.
for(let i=0; i<mods.length; i++){
if(mods.sub_modules != null){
const res = this._resolveModuleLibraries(mods[i])
if(res.length > 0){
libs = libs.concat(res)
return libs
* Recursively resolve the path of each library required by this module.
* @param {Object} mdle A module object from the server distro index.
* @returns {Array.<string>} An array containing the paths of each library this module requires.
if(mdle.sub_modules == null){
return []
let libs = []
for(let i=0; i<mdle.sub_modules.length; i++){
const sm = mdle.sub_modules[i]
if(sm.type != null && sm.type == 'library'){
libs.push(path.join(this.libPath, sm.artifact.path == null ? AssetGuard._resolvePath(, sm.artifact.extension) : sm.artifact.path))
// If this module has submodules, we need to resolve the libraries for those.
// To avoid unnecessary recursive calls, base case is checked here.
if(mdle.sub_modules != null){
const res = this._resolveModuleLibraries(sm)
if(res.length > 0){
libs = libs.concat(res)
return libs
module.exports = ProcessBuilder