const {AssetGuard} = require('./assetguard.js') const ConfigManager = require('./configmanager.js') const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron') const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const rimraf = require('rimraf') console.log('%c[Preloader]', 'color: #a02d2a; font-weight: bold', 'Loading..') // Load ConfigManager ConfigManager.load() // Ensure Distribution is downloaded and cached. AssetGuard.retrieveDistributionData(ConfigManager.getLauncherDirectory(), false).then((data) => { console.log('%c[Preloader]', 'color: #a02d2a; font-weight: bold', 'Loaded distribution index.') // Resolve the selected server if its value has yet to be set. if(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer() == null){ console.log('Determining default selected server..') ConfigManager.setSelectedServer(AssetGuard.resolveSelectedServer(ConfigManager.getLauncherDirectory()).id) } ipcRenderer.send('distributionIndexDone', data) }).catch(err => { console.log('%c[Preloader]', 'color: #a02d2a; font-weight: bold', 'Failed to load distribution index.') console.err(err) }) // Clean up temp dir incase previous launches ended unexpectedly. rimraf(path.join(os.tmpdir(), ConfigManager.getTempNativeFolder()), (err) => { if(err){ console.warn('%c[Preloader]', 'color: #a02d2a; font-weight: bold', 'Error while cleaning natives directory', err) } else { console.log('%c[Preloader]', 'color: #a02d2a; font-weight: bold', 'Cleaned natives directory.') } })