{ "html": { "avatarOverlay": "Dankname" }, "js": { "login": { "error": { "invalidValue": "* Invalid Value", "requiredValue": "* Required", "userMigrated": { "title": "Error During Login:
Invalid Credentials", "desc": "You've attempted to login with a migrated account. Try again using the account email as the username." }, "invalidCredentials": { "title": "Error During Login:
Invalid Credentials", "desc": "The email or password you've entered is incorrect. Please try again." }, "rateLimit": { "title": "Error During Login:
Too Many Attempts", "desc": "There have been too many login attempts with this account recently. Please try again later." }, "noInternet": { "title": "Error During Login:
No Internet Connection", "desc": "You must be connected to the internet in order to login. Please connect and try again." }, "authDown": { "title": "Error During Login:
Authentication Server Offline", "desc": "Mojang's authentication server is currently offline or unreachable. Please wait a bit and try again. You can check the status of the server on Mojang's help portal." }, "notPaid": { "title": "Error During Login:
Game Not Purchased", "desc": "The account you are trying to login with has not purchased a copy of Minecraft.
You may purchase a copy on Minecraft.net" }, "unknown": { "title": "Error During Login:
Unknown Error" } }, "login": "LOGIN", "loggingIn": "LOGGING IN", "success": "SUCCESS", "tryAgain": "Try Again" }, "landing": { "launch": { "pleaseWait": "Please wait.." } } } }