const settingsAddAccount = document.getElementById('settingsAddAccount') const settingsCurrentAccounts = document.getElementById('settingsCurrentAccounts') /** * General Settings Functions */ let selectedTab = 'settingsTabAccount' /** * Bind functionality for the settings navigation items. */ function setupSettingsTabs(){ Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('settingsNavItem')).map((val) => { val.onclick = (e) => { if(val.hasAttribute('selected')){ return } const navItems = document.getElementsByClassName('settingsNavItem') for(let i=0; i { $(`#${selectedTab}`).fadeIn(250) }) } }) } /** * Account Management Tab */ // Bind the add account button. settingsAddAccount.onclick = (e) => { switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.login, 500, 500, () => { loginViewOnCancel = VIEWS.settings loginViewOnSuccess = VIEWS.settings loginCancelEnabled(true) }) } /** * Bind functionality for the account selection buttons. If another account * is selected, the UI of the previously selected account will be updated. */ function bindAuthAccountSelect(){ Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccountSelect')).map((val) => { val.onclick = (e) => { if(val.hasAttribute('selected')){ return } const selectBtns = document.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccountSelect') for(let i=0; i { val.onclick = (e) => { const parent = val.closest('.settingsAuthAccount') const uuid = parent.getAttribute('uuid') const prevSelAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() AuthManager.removeAccount(uuid).then(() => { if(uuid === prevSelAcc.uuid){ const selAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() refreshAuthAccountSelected(selAcc.uuid) updateSelectedAccount(selAcc) } }) $(parent).fadeOut(250, () => { parent.remove() }) } }) } /** * Refreshes the status of the selected account on the auth account * elements. * * @param {string} uuid The UUID of the new selected account. */ function refreshAuthAccountSelected(uuid){ Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccount')).map((val) => { const selBtn = val.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccountSelect')[0] if(uuid === val.getAttribute('uuid')){ selBtn.setAttribute('selected', '') selBtn.innerHTML = 'Selected Account ✔' } else { if(selBtn.hasAttribute('selected')){ selBtn.removeAttribute('selected') } selBtn.innerHTML = 'Select Account' } }) } /** * Add auth account elements for each one stored in the authentication database. */ function populateAuthAccounts(){ const authAccounts = ConfigManager.getAuthAccounts() const authKeys = Object.keys(authAccounts) const selectedUUID = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount().uuid let authAccountStr = `` => { const acc = authAccounts[val] authAccountStr += `
${acc.displayName === acc.username ? 'UUID' : 'Email'}
${acc.displayName === acc.username ? acc.uuid : acc.username}
` }) settingsCurrentAccounts.innerHTML = authAccountStr } function prepareAccountsTab() { populateAuthAccounts() bindAuthAccountSelect() bindAuthAccountLogOut() } /** * Settings preparation functions. */ /** * Prepare the entire settings UI. */ function prepareSettings() { setupSettingsTabs() prepareAccountsTab() } // Prepare the settings UI on startup. prepareSettings()