/** * Script for login.ejs */ // Validation Regexes. const validUsername = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,16}$/ const basicEmail = /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/ //const validEmail = /^(([^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@(([^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+\.)+[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]{2,})$/i // Login Elements const loginCancelContainer = document.getElementById('loginCancelContainer') const loginCancelButton = document.getElementById('loginCancelButton') const loginEmailError = document.getElementById('loginEmailError') const loginUsername = document.getElementById('loginUsername') const loginPasswordError = document.getElementById('loginPasswordError') const loginPassword = document.getElementById('loginPassword') const checkmarkContainer = document.getElementById('checkmarkContainer') const loginRememberOption = document.getElementById('loginRememberOption') const loginButton = document.getElementById('loginButton') const loginForm = document.getElementById('loginForm') // Control variables. let lu = false, lp = false /** * Show a login error. * * @param {HTMLElement} element The element on which to display the error. * @param {string} value The error text. */ function showError(element, value){ element.innerHTML = value element.style.opacity = 1 } /** * Shake a login error to add emphasis. * * @param {HTMLElement} element The element to shake. */ function shakeError(element){ if(element.style.opacity == 1){ element.classList.remove('shake') void element.offsetWidth element.classList.add('shake') } } /** * Validate that an email field is neither empty nor invalid. * * @param {string} value The email value. */ function validateEmail(value){ if(value){ if(!basicEmail.test(value) && !validUsername.test(value)){ showError(loginEmailError, Lang.queryJS('login.error.invalidValue')) loginDisabled(true) lu = false } else { loginEmailError.style.opacity = 0 lu = true if(lp){ loginDisabled(false) } } } else { lu = false showError(loginEmailError, Lang.queryJS('login.error.requiredValue')) loginDisabled(true) } } /** * Validate that the password field is not empty. * * @param {string} value The password value. */ function validatePassword(value){ if(value){ loginPasswordError.style.opacity = 0 lp = true if(lu){ loginDisabled(false) } } else { lp = false showError(loginPasswordError, Lang.queryJS('login.error.invalidValue')) loginDisabled(true) } } // Emphasize errors with shake when focus is lost. loginUsername.addEventListener('focusout', (e) => { validateEmail(e.target.value) shakeError(loginEmailError) }) loginPassword.addEventListener('focusout', (e) => { validatePassword(e.target.value) shakeError(loginPasswordError) }) // Validate input for each field. loginUsername.addEventListener('input', (e) => { validateEmail(e.target.value) }) loginPassword.addEventListener('input', (e) => { validatePassword(e.target.value) }) /** * Enable or disable the login button. * * @param {boolean} v True to enable, false to disable. */ function loginDisabled(v){ if(loginButton.disabled !== v){ loginButton.disabled = v } } /** * Enable or disable loading elements. * * @param {boolean} v True to enable, false to disable. */ function loginLoading(v){ if(v){ loginButton.setAttribute('loading', v) loginButton.innerHTML = loginButton.innerHTML.replace(Lang.queryJS('login.login'), Lang.queryJS('login.loggingIn')) } else { loginButton.removeAttribute('loading') loginButton.innerHTML = loginButton.innerHTML.replace(Lang.queryJS('login.loggingIn'), Lang.queryJS('login.login')) } } /** * Enable or disable login form. * * @param {boolean} v True to enable, false to disable. */ function formDisabled(v){ loginDisabled(v) loginCancelButton.disabled = v loginUsername.disabled = v loginPassword.disabled = v if(v){ checkmarkContainer.setAttribute('disabled', v) } else { checkmarkContainer.removeAttribute('disabled') } loginRememberOption.disabled = v } let loginViewOnSuccess = VIEWS.landing let loginViewOnCancel = VIEWS.settings let loginViewCancelHandler function loginCancelEnabled(val){ if(val){ $(loginCancelContainer).show() } else { $(loginCancelContainer).hide() } } loginCancelButton.onclick = (e) => { switchView(getCurrentView(), loginViewOnCancel, 500, 500, () => { loginUsername.value = '' loginPassword.value = '' loginCancelEnabled(false) if(loginViewCancelHandler != null){ loginViewCancelHandler() loginViewCancelHandler = null } }) } // Disable default form behavior. loginForm.onsubmit = () => { return false } // Bind login button behavior. loginButton.addEventListener('click', () => { // Disable form. formDisabled(true) // Show loading stuff. loginLoading(true) AuthManager.addMojangAccount(loginUsername.value, loginPassword.value).then((value) => { updateSelectedAccount(value) loginButton.innerHTML = loginButton.innerHTML.replace(Lang.queryJS('login.loggingIn'), Lang.queryJS('login.success')) $('.circle-loader').toggleClass('load-complete') $('.checkmark').toggle() setTimeout(() => { switchView(VIEWS.login, loginViewOnSuccess, 500, 500, async () => { // Temporary workaround if(loginViewOnSuccess === VIEWS.settings){ await prepareSettings() } loginViewOnSuccess = VIEWS.landing // Reset this for good measure. loginCancelEnabled(false) // Reset this for good measure. loginViewCancelHandler = null // Reset this for good measure. loginUsername.value = '' loginPassword.value = '' $('.circle-loader').toggleClass('load-complete') $('.checkmark').toggle() loginLoading(false) loginButton.innerHTML = loginButton.innerHTML.replace(Lang.queryJS('login.success'), Lang.queryJS('login.login')) formDisabled(false) }) }, 1000) }).catch((displayableError) => { loginLoading(false) let actualDisplayableError if(isDisplayableError(displayableError)) { msftLoginLogger.error('Error while logging in.', displayableError) actualDisplayableError = displayableError } else { // Uh oh. msftLoginLogger.error('Unhandled error during login.', displayableError) actualDisplayableError = Lang.queryJS('login.error.unknown') } setOverlayContent(actualDisplayableError.title, actualDisplayableError.desc, Lang.queryJS('login.tryAgain')) setOverlayHandler(() => { formDisabled(false) toggleOverlay(false) }) toggleOverlay(true) }) })