const fs = require('fs') const mkpath = require('mkdirp') const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const uuidV4 = require('uuid/v4') class ConfigManager { constructor(path){ this.path = path this.config = null this.load() } /* Private functions to resolve default settings based on system specs. */ static _resolveMaxRAM(){ const mem = os.totalmem() return mem >= 8000000000 ? '4G' : (mem >= 6000000000 ? '3G' : '2G') } /** * Generates a default configuration object and saves it. * * @param {Boolean} save - optional. If true, the default config will be saved after being generated. */ _generateDefault(save = true){ this.config = { settings: { java: { minRAM: '2G', maxRAM: ConfigManager._resolveMaxRAM(), executable: 'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_152\\bin\\javaw.exe', //TODO Resolve jvmOptions: [ '-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC', '-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode', '-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy', '-Xmn128M' ], }, game: { resWidth: 1280, resHeight: 720, fullscreen: false, autoConnect: true }, launcher: { } }, clientToken: uuidV4(), selectedServer: null, selectedAccount: null, authenticationDatabase: [], discord: { clientID: 385581240906022916 } } if(save){ } } /** * Load the launcher configuration into memory. If the specified file does * not exist, a default configuration will be generated and saved. */ load(){ if(!fs.existsSync(this.path)){ mkpath.sync(path.join(this.path, '..')) this._generateDefault() } else { this.config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.path, 'UTF-8')) } } /** * Save the launcher configuration to the specified file. */ save(){ fs.writeFileSync(this.path, JSON.stringify(this.config, null, 4), 'UTF-8') } /** * Retrieve the launcher's Client Token. */ getClientToken(){ return this.config.clientToken } /** * Retrieve the selected server configuration value. */ getSelectedServer(){ return this.config.selectedServer } /** * Set the selected server configuration value. * * @param {String} serverID - the id of the new selected server. */ setSelectedServer(serverID){ this.config.selectedServer = serverID } /** * Retrieve the launcher's Discord Client ID. */ getDiscordClientID(){ return this.config.discord.clientID } /** * Retrieve the minimum amount of memory for JVM initialization. */ getMinRAM(){ return } /** * Retrieve the maximum amount of memory for JVM initialization. */ getMaxRAM(){ return } /** * Retrieve the path of the java executable. */ getJavaExecutable(){ return } /** * Retrieve the additional arguments for JVM initialization. Required arguments, * such as memory allocation, will be dynamically resolved. */ getJVMOptions(){ return } /** * Retrieve the width of the game window. */ getGameWidth(){ return } /** * Retrieve the height of the game window. */ getGameHeight(){ return } /** * Check if the game should be launched in fullscreen mode. */ isFullscreen(){ return } /** * Check if auto connect is enabled. */ isAutoConnect(){ return } } module.exports = ConfigManager