const settingsNavDone = document.getElementById('settingsNavDone') // Account Management Tab const settingsAddAccount = document.getElementById('settingsAddAccount') const settingsCurrentAccounts = document.getElementById('settingsCurrentAccounts') // Minecraft Tab const settingsGameWidth = document.getElementById('settingsGameWidth') const settingsGameHeight = document.getElementById('settingsGameHeight') const settingsState = { invalid: new Set() } /** * General Settings Functions */ /** * Bind value validators to the settings UI elements. These will * validate against the criteria defined in the ConfigManager (if * and). If the value is invalid, the UI will reflect this and saving * will be disabled until the value is corrected. This is an automated * process. More complex UI may need to be bound separately. */ function initSettingsValidators(){ const sEls = document.getElementById('settingsContainer').querySelectorAll('[cValue]') Array.from(sEls).map((v, index, arr) => { const vFn = ConfigManager['validate' + v.getAttribute('cValue')] if(typeof vFn === 'function'){ if(v.tagName === 'INPUT'){ if(v.type === 'number' || v.type === 'text'){ v.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { const v = if(!vFn(v.value)){ settingsState.invalid.add( v.setAttribute('error', '') settingsSaveDisabled(true) } else { if(v.hasAttribute('error')){ v.removeAttribute('error') settingsState.invalid.delete( if(settingsState.invalid.size === 0){ settingsSaveDisabled(false) } } } }) } } } }) } /** * Load configuration values onto the UI. This is an automated process. */ function initSettingsValues(){ const sEls = document.getElementById('settingsContainer').querySelectorAll('[cValue]') Array.from(sEls).map((v, index, arr) => { const gFn = ConfigManager['get' + v.getAttribute('cValue')] if(typeof gFn === 'function'){ if(v.tagName === 'INPUT'){ if(v.type === 'number' || v.type === 'text'){ v.value = gFn() } else if(v.type === 'checkbox'){ v.checked = gFn() } } } }) } /** * Save the settings values. */ function saveSettingsValues(){ const sEls = document.getElementById('settingsContainer').querySelectorAll('[cValue]') Array.from(sEls).map((v, index, arr) => { const sFn = ConfigManager['set' + v.getAttribute('cValue')] if(typeof sFn === 'function'){ if(v.tagName === 'INPUT'){ if(v.type === 'number' || v.type === 'text'){ sFn(v.value) } else if(v.type === 'checkbox'){ sFn(v.checked) // Special Conditions const cVal = v.getAttribute('cValue') if(cVal === 'AllowPrerelease'){ changeAllowPrerelease(v.checked) } } } } }) } let selectedTab = 'settingsTabAccount' /** * Bind functionality for the settings navigation items. */ function setupSettingsTabs(){ Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('settingsNavItem')).map((val) => { val.onclick = (e) => { if(val.hasAttribute('selected')){ return } const navItems = document.getElementsByClassName('settingsNavItem') for(let i=0; i { $(`#${selectedTab}`).fadeIn(250) }) } }) } /** * Set if the settings save (done) button is disabled. * * @param {boolean} v True to disable, false to enable. */ function settingsSaveDisabled(v){ settingsNavDone.disabled = v } /* Closes the settings view and saves all data. */ settingsNavDone.onclick = () => { saveSettingsValues() switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.landing) } /** * Account Management Tab */ // Bind the add account button. settingsAddAccount.onclick = (e) => { switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.login, 500, 500, () => { loginViewOnCancel = VIEWS.settings loginViewOnSuccess = VIEWS.settings loginCancelEnabled(true) }) } /** * Bind functionality for the account selection buttons. If another account * is selected, the UI of the previously selected account will be updated. */ function bindAuthAccountSelect(){ Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccountSelect')).map((val) => { val.onclick = (e) => { if(val.hasAttribute('selected')){ return } const selectBtns = document.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccountSelect') for(let i=0; i { val.onclick = (e) => { let isLastAccount = false if(Object.keys(ConfigManager.getAuthAccounts()).length === 1){ isLastAccount = true setOverlayContent( 'Warning
This is Your Last Account', 'In order to use the launcher you must be logged into at least one account. You will need to login again after.

Are you sure you want to log out?', 'I\'m Sure', 'Cancel' ) setOverlayHandler(() => { processLogOut(val, isLastAccount) switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.login) toggleOverlay(false) }) setDismissHandler(() => { toggleOverlay(false) }) toggleOverlay(true, true) } else { processLogOut(val, isLastAccount) } } }) } /** * Process a log out. * * @param {Element} val The log out button element. * @param {boolean} isLastAccount If this logout is on the last added account. */ function processLogOut(val, isLastAccount){ const parent = val.closest('.settingsAuthAccount') const uuid = parent.getAttribute('uuid') const prevSelAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() AuthManager.removeAccount(uuid).then(() => { if(!isLastAccount && uuid === prevSelAcc.uuid){ const selAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() refreshAuthAccountSelected(selAcc.uuid) updateSelectedAccount(selAcc) validateSelectedAccount() } }) $(parent).fadeOut(250, () => { parent.remove() }) } /** * Refreshes the status of the selected account on the auth account * elements. * * @param {string} uuid The UUID of the new selected account. */ function refreshAuthAccountSelected(uuid){ Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccount')).map((val) => { const selBtn = val.getElementsByClassName('settingsAuthAccountSelect')[0] if(uuid === val.getAttribute('uuid')){ selBtn.setAttribute('selected', '') selBtn.innerHTML = 'Selected Account ✔' } else { if(selBtn.hasAttribute('selected')){ selBtn.removeAttribute('selected') } selBtn.innerHTML = 'Select Account' } }) } /** * Add auth account elements for each one stored in the authentication database. */ function populateAuthAccounts(){ const authAccounts = ConfigManager.getAuthAccounts() const authKeys = Object.keys(authAccounts) const selectedUUID = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount().uuid let authAccountStr = `` => { const acc = authAccounts[val] authAccountStr += `
${acc.displayName === acc.username ? 'UUID' : 'Email'}
${acc.displayName === acc.username ? acc.uuid : acc.username}
` }) settingsCurrentAccounts.innerHTML = authAccountStr } function prepareAccountsTab() { populateAuthAccounts() bindAuthAccountSelect() bindAuthAccountLogOut() } /** * Minecraft Tab */ /** * Disable decimals, negative signs, and scientific notation. */ settingsGameWidth.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if(/[-\.eE]/.test(e.key)){ e.preventDefault() } }) settingsGameHeight.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if(/[-\.eE]/.test(e.key)){ e.preventDefault() } }) /** * Settings preparation functions. */ /** * Prepare the entire settings UI. * * @param {boolean} first Whether or not it is the first load. */ function prepareSettings(first = false) { if(first){ setupSettingsTabs() initSettingsValidators() } initSettingsValues() prepareAccountsTab() } // Prepare the settings UI on startup. prepareSettings(true)