Compare commits
55 Commits
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7505a602b6 | |||
265129fd84 | |||
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9e078df32a | |||
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c41402c525 | |||
fe5590287e | |||
5c373ca66c | |||
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80e3c1cc6a | |||
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f813f9d675 | |||
f2a15f747f | |||
906b3942a7 | |||
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b5327c71fc | |||
95eebc18a7 | ||
d03ff90f78 | ||
30e635a3b9 |
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ jobs:
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- name: Set up Python
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<span id="settingsAboutTitle">Авторизация через Discord</span>
<div id="settingsAboutCurrentVersion">
<span>Успешная авторизация! Для начала игры вам необходимо вернутся в лаунчер.</span>
<div id="footer-label">
<span id="loginSkirdaAuthorizationNote">Skirda Launcher</span>
<div id="loginSkirdaAuthorizationWindow" >
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<img id="settingsAboutLogo" src="../../skirda/skirdaGoBackend/authskirda/templates/callback/img/Logo.png">
<span id="settingsAboutTitle">Авторизация через Discord</span>
<div id="settingsAboutCurrentVersion" class="Centered">
<span>Ошибка авторизации!</span>
<span id="loginSkirdaAuthorizationError">(Eror Pizda Poezdu)</span>
<div id="footer-label">
<span id="loginSkirdaAuthorizationNote">Skirda Launcher</span>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Daniel D. Scalzi
Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Daniel D. Scalzi
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ This section details the setup of a basic developmentment environment.
**System Requirements**
* [Node.js][nodejs] v18
* [Node.js][nodejs] v20
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
<%- include('login') %>
<%- include('waiting') %>
<%- include('loginOptions') %>
<%- include('loginOffline') %>
<%- include('loginSkirda') %>
<%- include('settings') %>
<%- include('landing') %>
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* *
* Custom patches *
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* *
* Skirda Discord Authorization *
* *
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@ -12,12 +12,122 @@
const ConfigManager = require('./configmanager')
const { LoggerUtil } = require('helios-core')
const { RestResponseStatus } = require('helios-core/common')
const { MojangRestAPI, mojangErrorDisplayable, MojangErrorCode } = require('helios-core/mojang')
const { MicrosoftAuth, microsoftErrorDisplayable, MicrosoftErrorCode } = require('helios-core/microsoft')
const { MojangRestAPI, MojangErrorCode } = require('helios-core/mojang')
const { MicrosoftAuth, MicrosoftErrorCode } = require('helios-core/microsoft')
const { AZURE_CLIENT_ID } = require('./ipcconstants')
const Lang = require('./langloader')
const log = LoggerUtil.getLogger('AuthManager')
// Error messages
function microsoftErrorDisplayable(errorCode) {
switch (errorCode) {
case MicrosoftErrorCode.NO_PROFILE:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS(''),
desc: Lang.queryJS('')
case MicrosoftErrorCode.NO_XBOX_ACCOUNT:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS(''),
desc: Lang.queryJS('')
case MicrosoftErrorCode.XBL_BANNED:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS(''),
desc: Lang.queryJS('')
case MicrosoftErrorCode.UNDER_18:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS(''),
desc: Lang.queryJS('')
case MicrosoftErrorCode.UNKNOWN:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS(''),
desc: Lang.queryJS('')
function mojangErrorDisplayable(errorCode) {
switch(errorCode) {
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.methodNotAllowedTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.methodNotAllowedDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_NOT_FOUND:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.notFoundTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.notFoundDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_USER_MIGRATED:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.accountMigratedTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.accountMigratedDesc')
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.invalidCredentialsTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.invalidCredentialsDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_RATELIMIT:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.tooManyAttemptsTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.tooManyAttemptsDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.invalidTokenTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.invalidTokenDesc')
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.tokenHasProfileTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.tokenHasProfileDesc')
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.credentialsMissingTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.credentialsMissingDesc')
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.invalidSaltVersionTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.invalidSaltVersionDesc')
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.unsupportedMediaTypeTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.unsupportedMediaTypeDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_GONE:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.accountGoneTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.accountGoneDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_UNREACHABLE:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.unreachableTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.unreachableDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.ERROR_NOT_PAID:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.gameNotPurchasedTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.gameNotPurchasedDesc')
case MojangErrorCode.UNKNOWN:
return {
title: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.unknownErrorTitle'),
desc: Lang.queryJS('auth.mojang.error.unknownErrorDesc')
throw new Error(`Unknown error code: ${errorCode}`)
// Functions
@ -29,14 +139,20 @@ const log = LoggerUtil.getLogger('AuthManager')
* @param {string} password The account password.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} Promise which resolves the resolved authenticated account object.
exports.addMojangAccount = async function(username, password) {
exports.addMojangAccount = async function(username, password){
try {
const response = await MojangRestAPI.authenticate(username, password, ConfigManager.getClientToken())
if(response.responseStatus === RestResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
const session =
session.selectedProfile = {
clientToken: 'asdasldkjalskdj',
if(session.selectedProfile != null){
// console.log("here")
const ret = ConfigManager.addMojangAuthAccount(, session.accessToken, username,
if(ConfigManager.getClientToken() == null){
@ -57,6 +173,23 @@ exports.addMojangAccount = async function(username, password) {
* @param {string} uuid Minecraft profile uuid
* @param {string} accessToken
* @param {string} username
* @param {string} skirdaToken
* */
exports.addSkirdaAccount = async function(uuid, accessToken, username, skirdaToken){
const ret = ConfigManager.addSkirdaAccount(uuid, accessToken, username, skirdaToken)
return ret
exports.addOfflineAccount = async function(usernameOffline){
@ -72,7 +205,8 @@ const AUTH_MODE = { FULL: 0, MS_REFRESH: 1, MC_REFRESH: 2 }
async function fullMicrosoftAuthFlow(entryCode, authMode) {
try {
console.error('try auth from ms')
return Promise.reject(microsoftErrorDisplayable(MicrosoftErrorCode.UNKNOWN))
let accessTokenRaw
let accessToken
if(authMode !== AUTH_MODE.MC_REFRESH) {
@ -199,6 +333,42 @@ exports.removeMicrosoftAccount = async function(uuid){
* Remove a Offline account. It is expected that the caller will invoke the OAuth logout
* through the ipc renderer.
* @param {string} uuid The UUID of the account to be removed.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} Promise which resolves to void when the action is complete.
exports.removeOfflineAccount = async function(uuid){
try {
return Promise.resolve()
} catch (err){
log.error('Error while removing account', err)
return Promise.reject(err)
* Remove a Skirda account. It is expected that the caller will invoke the OAuth logout
* through the ipc renderer.
* @param {string} uuid The UUID of the account to be removed.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} Promise which resolves to void when the action is complete.
exports.removeSkirdaAccount = async function(uuid){
try {
return Promise.resolve()
} catch (err){
log.error('Error while removing account', err)
return Promise.reject(err)
* Validate the selected account with Mojang's authserver. If the account is not valid,
* we will attempt to refresh the access token and update that value. If that fails, a
@ -231,7 +401,19 @@ async function validateSelectedMojangAccount(){
return true
* Validate the selected account with Skirda's authserver. If the account is not valid,
* we will attempt to refresh the access token and update that value. If that fails, a
* new login will be required.
* @returns {Promise.<boolean>} Promise which resolves to true if the access token is valid,
* otherwise false.
async function validateSelectedSkirdaAccount(){
const current = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount()
return await SkirdaAuth.YggRefresh(current.accessToken)
@ -306,10 +488,14 @@ async function validateSelectedMicrosoftAccount(){
exports.validateSelected = async function(){
const current = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount()
if(current.type === 'microsoft') {
return await validateSelectedMicrosoftAccount()
} else {
return await validateSelectedMojangAccount()
switch (current.type) {
case 'mojang':
return await validateSelectedMojangAccount()
// break
case 'microsoft':
return await validateSelectedMicrosoftAccount()
// break
case 'skirda':
return await validateSelectedSkirdaAccount()
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const logger = LoggerUtil.getLogger('ConfigManager')
const sysRoot = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support' : process.env.HOME)
const dataPath = path.join(sysRoot, '.helioslauncher')
const dataPath = path.join(sysRoot, '.skirdalauncher')
const launcherDir = require('@electron/remote').app.getPath('userData')
@ -349,6 +349,34 @@ exports.addMojangAuthAccount = function(uuid, accessToken, username, displayName
return config.authenticationDatabase[uuid]
exports.addOfflineAccount = function(usernameOffline){
fake_uuid = usernameOffline
config.selectedAccount = fake_uuid
accessToken = ""
config.authenticationDatabase[fake_uuid] = {
type: 'offline',
username: usernameOffline.trim(),
uuid: fake_uuid.trim(),
displayName: usernameOffline.trim()
return config.authenticationDatabase[fake_uuid]
exports.addSkirdaAccount = function(uuid, accessToken, username, skirdaToken){
config.selectedAccount = uuid
config.authenticationDatabase[uuid] = {
type: 'skirda',
username: username.trim(),
uuid: uuid.trim(),
displayName: username.trim(),
skirdaJWT: skirdaToken.trim()
return config.authenticationDatabase[uuid]
* Update the tokens of an authenticated microsoft account.
@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
const { DistributionAPI } = require('helios-core/common')
const {DistributionAPI} = require('helios-core/common')
const ConfigManager = require('./configmanager')
// Old WesterosCraft url.
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = 'http://localhost:8090/distribution.json'
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = 'http://gregbrzezinski:8080/distribution/manifest'
// exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/distribution/files/files/distribution.json'
exports.REMOTE_DISTRO_URL = ''
const api = new DistributionAPI(
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ exports.setupLanguage = function(){
// Load Language Files
// Uncomment this when translations are ready
// Load Custom Language File for Launcher Customizer
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ document.getElementById('avatarOverlay').onclick = async e => {
// Bind selected account
function updateSelectedAccount(authUser){
let username = Lang.queryJS('landing.selectedAccount.noAccountSelected')
// console.log(authUser)
if(authUser != null){
if(authUser.displayName != null){
username = authUser.displayName
@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ const refreshServerStatus = async (fade = false) => {
try {
const servStat = await getServerStatus(47, serv.hostname, serv.port)
// console.log(servStat)
pLabel = Lang.queryJS('landing.serverStatus.players')
pVal = + '/' + servStat.players.max
@ -712,12 +713,12 @@ document.getElementById('newsButton').onclick = () => {
} else {
$('#landingContainer *').attr('tabindex', '-1')
$('#newsContainer, #newsContainer *, #lower, #lower #center *').removeAttr('tabindex')
newsAlertShown = false
// if(newsAlertShown){
// $('#newsButtonAlert').fadeOut(2000)
// newsAlertShown = false
// ConfigManager.setNewsCacheDismissed(true)
// }
newsActive = !newsActive
@ -909,24 +910,24 @@ async function initNews(){
* between articles. If you are on the landing page, the up arrow will
* open the news UI.
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if(e.key === 'ArrowRight' || e.key === 'ArrowLeft'){
document.getElementById(e.key === 'ArrowRight' ? 'newsNavigateRight' : 'newsNavigateLeft').click()
// Interferes with scrolling an article using the down arrow.
// Not sure of a straight forward solution at this point.
// if(e.key === 'ArrowDown'){
// document.getElementById('newsButton').click()
// }
} else {
if(getCurrentView() === VIEWS.landing){
if(e.key === 'ArrowUp'){
// document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
// if(newsActive){
// if(e.key === 'ArrowRight' || e.key === 'ArrowLeft'){
// document.getElementById(e.key === 'ArrowRight' ? 'newsNavigateRight' : 'newsNavigateLeft').click()
// }
// // Interferes with scrolling an article using the down arrow.
// // Not sure of a straight forward solution at this point.
// // if(e.key === 'ArrowDown'){
// // document.getElementById('newsButton').click()
// // }
// } else {
// if(getCurrentView() === VIEWS.landing){
// if(e.key === 'ArrowUp'){
// document.getElementById('newsButton').click()
// }
// }
// }
// })
* Display a news article on the UI.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//const loggerOfflineLogin = LoggerUtil1('%c[LoginOffline]', 'color: #000668; font-weight: bold')
const loginOfflineButton = document.getElementById('loginOfflineButton')
const loginOfflineCancelContainer = document.getElementById('loginOfflineCancelContainer')
const loginOfflineCancelButton = document.getElementById('loginOfflineCancelButton')
function loginOfflineDisabled(v){
if(loginOfflineButton.disabled !== v){
loginOfflineButton.disabled = v
function formOfflineDisabled(v){
loginOfflineUsername.disabled = v
loginOfflineButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
AuthManager.addOfflineAccount(loginOfflineUsername.value).then((value) =>{
switchView(VIEWS.loginOffline, VIEWS.landing, 500, 500)
loginOfflineUsername = ''
loginOfflineCancelButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (Object.keys(ConfigManager.getAuthAccounts()).length === 0) {
loginOfflineUsername.value = ''
switchView(VIEWS.loginOffline, VIEWS.loginOptions, 500, 500)
loginOfflineUsername.value = ''
switchView(VIEWS.loginOffline, VIEWS.landing, 500, 500)
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
const loginOptionsCancelContainer = document.getElementById('loginOptionCancelContainer')
const loginOptionMicrosoft = document.getElementById('loginOptionMicrosoft')
const loginOptionMojang = document.getElementById('loginOptionMojang')
const loginOptionOffline = document.getElementById('loginOptionOffline')
const loginOptionSkirdaAuth = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaAuth')
// const loginOptionSkirdaAuthStage1 = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaStage1')
// const loginOptionSkirdaAuthStage2 = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaStage2')
const loginOptionSkirdaDiskord = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaDiscord')
const loginOptionSkirdaTelegram = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaTelegram')
const loginOptionsCancelButton = document.getElementById('loginOptionCancelButton')
let loginOptionsCancellable = false
@ -17,22 +23,107 @@ function loginOptionsCancelEnabled(val){
// loginOptionMicrosoft.onclick = (e) => {
// switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.waiting, 500, 500, () => {
// ipcRenderer.send(
// loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess,
// loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel
// )
// })
// }
// loginOptionMojang.onclick = (e) => {
// switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.login, 500, 500, () => {
// loginViewOnSuccess = loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess
// loginViewOnCancel = loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel
// loginCancelEnabled(true)
// })
// }
// loginOptionOffline.onclick = (e) => {
// switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginOffline, 500, 500, () => {
// loginViewOnSuccess = loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess
// loginViewOnCancel = loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel
// loginCancelEnabled(true)
// })
// }
// loginOptionSkirdaDiskord.onclick = (e) => {
// InitSkirdaDiscordLogin()
// switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginSkirdaDiscord, 500, 500, () => {
// loginViewOnSuccess = loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess
// loginViewOnCancel = loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel
// loginCancelEnabled(true)
// })
// }
// loginOptionSkirdaTelegram.onclick = (e) => {
// InitSkirdaTelegramAuth()
// switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginSkirdaTelegram, 500, 500, () => {
// loginViewOnSuccess = loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess
// loginViewOnCancel = loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel
// // loginCancelEnabled(true)
// })
// }
loginOptionMicrosoft.onclick = (e) => {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.waiting, 500, 500, () => {
loginOptionMojang.onclick = (e) => {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.login, 500, 500, () => {
loginOptionSkirdaAuth.onclick = (e) => {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginSkirdaAuth, 500, 500, () => {
loginViewOnSuccess = loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess
loginViewOnCancel = loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel
// const stage1 = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaStage1')
// const stage2 = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaStage2')
// /** @type {HTMLInputElement}*/
// const usernameInput = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaSubmitUsername')
// /** @type {HTMLButtonElement}*/
// const submitButton = document.getElementById('loginOptionSkirdaSubmitUsernameButton')
// = 'none'
// = 'block'
// submitButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// SkirdaAuth.CheckFreeUsername('aaa', usernameInput.value).then((res) => {
// if (res.error !== undefined){
// console.error(res.error)
// return
// }
// console.log('ok')
// })
// })
// usernameInput.addEventListener('input', (input) =>{
// submitButton.disabled = !usernameInput.checkValidity()
// })
SkirdaAuth.Init().then((result) => {
if (result.error) {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginOptions, 500, 500, async () => {})
} else {
SkirdaAuth.YggdrasilAuth(result.token).then(ygg_res => {
if (ygg_res.error !== undefined) {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginOptions, 500, 500, async () => {})
} else {
result.token).then((value) => {
}).then((value) => {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.landing, 500, 500, async () => {})
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
/** @typedef {Object} SkirdaAuthError
* @property {string} error
/** @typedef {Object} YggdrasilError
* @property {string} error
* @property {string} path
/** @typedef {Object} SkirdaAuthInitResponse
* @property {string} redirect_url
* @property {string} subscribe_url
/** @typedef {Object} SkirdaAuthResponse
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} token
/** @typedef {Object} SkirdaYggdrasilAuthResponse
* @property {string} clientToken
* @property {string} accessToken //jwt from skirda yggdrasil service with minecraft username
* @property {YggdrasilProfile} profile
/** @typedef {Object} YggdrasilProfile
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} name
class SkirdaAuth {
static #ygg_auth_api_url = ''
static #sk_tg_auth_api_url = ''
constructor() {
console.log('Skirda Auth')
* @returns {Promise<SkirdaAuthResponse|SkirdaAuthError>}
static async #fetchInit() {
const resp = await fetch(`${SkirdaAuth.#sk_tg_auth_api_url}/telegram/init`, {})
if (!resp.ok) {
return {
error: 'unknown error on auth request'
try {
return await resp.json()
} catch (error) {
return {
error: error.message,
* @return {Promise<SkirdaAuthResponse|SkirdaAuthError>}
* */
static async Init() {
const initResp = await SkirdaAuth.#fetchInit()
if (initResp.error !== undefined) {
return initResp
await shell.openExternal(initResp.redirect_url)
// const yggResp = await SkirdaAuth.#yggdrasilAuth(authResult.token)
// console.log(yggResp)
return await SkirdaAuth.#subscribe(initResp.subscribe_url)
* @param subscribe_url
* @returns {Promise<SkirdaAuthResponse|SkirdaAuthError>}
static async #subscribe(subscribe_url) {
const resp = await fetch(subscribe_url, {})
try {
if (!resp.ok) {
return {
error: 'unknown error on subscribe to auth result',
return await resp.json()
} catch (error) {
return {
error: error.message,
* @param {string} skirdaToken
* @return {Promise<SkirdaYggdrasilAuthResponse|YggdrasilError>}
* */
static async YggdrasilAuth(skirdaToken) {
const resp = await fetch(`${SkirdaAuth.#ygg_auth_api_url}/skirda/authenticate`, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': skirdaToken
try {
return await resp.json()
} catch (error) {
return {
error: error.message,
path: 'skirda/authenticate',
* @param {string} token
* @param {string} username
* @return {Promise<bool|YggdrasilError>}
* */
static async CheckFreeUsername(token, username) {
const resp = await fetch(`${SkirdaAuth.#ygg_auth_api_url}/skirda/checkFreeUsername`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': token
try {
return await resp.json()
} catch (error) {
return {
error: error.message,
path: 'skirda/checkFreeUsername',
* @param {string} yggToken
* @param {string} skirdaToken
* @return {Promise<boolean>}
* */
static async YggRefresh(yggToken, skirdaToken) {
const resp = await fetch(`${SkirdaAuth.#ygg_auth_api_url}/refresh`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
'accessToken': yggToken,
'clientToken': skirdaToken, // This is skirda token
try {
const respJSON = await resp.json()
return respJSON.error === undefined
} catch (error) {
return false
@ -351,6 +351,14 @@ document.getElementById('settingsAddMojangAccount').onclick = (e) => {
document.getElementById('settingsAddSkirdaDiscord').onclick = (e) => {
// console.log("kekekekekek")
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginSkirdaDiscord, 500, 500, () => {
loginViewOnCancel = VIEWS.settings
loginViewOnSuccess = VIEWS.settings
// Bind the add microsoft account button.
document.getElementById('settingsAddMicrosoftAccount').onclick = (e) => {
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.waiting, 500, 500, () => {
@ -513,30 +521,50 @@ function processLogOut(val, isLastAccount){
const uuid = parent.getAttribute('uuid')
const prevSelAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount()
const targetAcc = ConfigManager.getAuthAccount(uuid)
if(targetAcc.type === 'microsoft') {
msAccDomElementCache = parent
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.waiting, 500, 500, () => {
ipcRenderer.send(MSFT_OPCODE.OPEN_LOGOUT, uuid, isLastAccount)
} else {
AuthManager.removeMojangAccount(uuid).then(() => {
if(!isLastAccount && uuid === prevSelAcc.uuid){
const selAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount()
if(isLastAccount) {
loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess = VIEWS.settings
loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel = VIEWS.loginOptions
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginOptions)
$(parent).fadeOut(250, () => {
switch (targetAcc.type){
case 'microsoft':
msAccDomElementCache = parent
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.waiting, 500, 500, () => {
ipcRenderer.send(MSFT_OPCODE.OPEN_LOGOUT, uuid, isLastAccount)
case 'mojang':
AuthManager.removeMojangAccount(uuid).then(() => {
if(!isLastAccount && uuid === prevSelAcc.uuid){
const selAcc = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount()
if(isLastAccount) {
loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess = VIEWS.settings
loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel = VIEWS.loginOptions
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginOptions)
$(parent).fadeOut(250, () => {
case 'offline':
case 'skirda':
if(isLastAccount) {
loginOptionsViewOnLoginSuccess = VIEWS.settings
loginOptionsViewOnLoginCancel = VIEWS.loginOptions
switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.loginOptions)
// if(targetAcc.type === 'microsoft') {
// } else {
// }
// Bind reply for Microsoft Logout.
@ -620,6 +648,8 @@ function refreshAuthAccountSelected(uuid){
const settingsCurrentMicrosoftAccounts = document.getElementById('settingsCurrentMicrosoftAccounts')
const settingsCurrentMojangAccounts = document.getElementById('settingsCurrentMojangAccounts')
const settingsCurrentSkirdaDiscord = document.getElementById('settingsCurrentSkirdaDiscord')
const settingsCurrentOfflineDiscord = document.getElementById('settingsCurrentOfflineDiscord')
* Add auth account elements for each one stored in the authentication database.
@ -634,9 +664,12 @@ function populateAuthAccounts(){
let microsoftAuthAccountStr = ''
let mojangAuthAccountStr = ''
let skirdaAuthAccountStr = ''
let offlineAuthAccountStr = ''
authKeys.forEach((val) => {
const acc = authAccounts[val]
// console.log(acc)
const accHtml = `<div class="settingsAuthAccount" uuid="${acc.uuid}">
<div class="settingsAuthAccountLeft">
@ -662,16 +695,33 @@ function populateAuthAccounts(){
if(acc.type === 'microsoft') {
microsoftAuthAccountStr += accHtml
} else {
mojangAuthAccountStr += accHtml
switch (acc.type){
case 'microsoft':
microsoftAuthAccountStr += accHtml
case 'mojang':
mojangAuthAccountStr += accHtml
case 'offline':
offlineAuthAccountStr += accHtml
case 'skirda':
skirdaAuthAccountStr += accHtml
// if(acc.type === 'microsoft') {
// microsoftAuthAccountStr += accHtml
// } else {
// mojangAuthAccountStr += accHtml
// }
settingsCurrentMicrosoftAccounts.innerHTML = microsoftAuthAccountStr
settingsCurrentMojangAccounts.innerHTML = mojangAuthAccountStr
settingsCurrentSkirdaAccounts.innerHTML = skirdaAuthAccountStr
settingsCurrentOfflineAccounts.innerHTML = offlineAuthAccountStr
@ -1453,7 +1503,7 @@ function populateAboutVersionInformation(){
function populateReleaseNotes(){
url: '',
url: '',
success: (data) => {
const version = 'v' +
const entries = $(data).find('entry')
@ -18,9 +18,14 @@ const VIEWS = {
landing: '#landingContainer',
loginOptions: '#loginOptionsContainer',
login: '#loginContainer',
loginSkirdaAuth: '#loginSkirdaAuthContainer',
loginSkirdaDiscord: '#loginSkirdaDiscordContainer',
loginSkirdaTelegram: '#loginSkirdaTelegramContainer',
loginOffline: '#loginOfflineContainer',
settings: '#settingsContainer',
welcome: '#welcomeContainer',
waiting: '#waitingContainer'
waiting: '#waitingContainer',
dynmap: '#dynmapContainer'
// The currently shown view container.
@ -76,9 +81,9 @@ async function showMainUI(data){
// If this is enabled in a development environment we'll get ratelimited.
// The relaunch frequency is usually far too high.
if(!isDev && isLoggedIn){
// if(!isDev && isLoggedIn){
// }
currentView = VIEWS.welcome
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Custom Language File for Launcher Customizer
title = "Helios Launcher"
title = "Skirda Launcher"
mediaGitHubURL = ""
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ newsErrorLoadSpan = "Checking for News.."
newsErrorFailedSpan = "Failed to Load News"
newsErrorRetryButton = "Try Again"
newsErrorNoneSpan = "No News"
mapButton = "MAP"
loginCancelText = "Cancel"
@ -33,11 +34,14 @@ loginNeedAccountLink = ""
loginNeedAccountText = "Need an Account?"
loginPasswordDisclaimer1 = "Your password is sent directly to mojang and never stored."
loginPasswordDisclaimer2 = "{appName} is not affiliated with Mojang AB."
loginSkirdaTitle = "Skirda Authorization"
loginSkirdaInit = "For authorization proceed we opened auth page in your system-preffered browser"
loginOptionsTitle = "Login Options"
loginWithMicrosoft = "Login with Microsoft"
loginWithMojang = "Login with Mojang"
loginWithSkirda = "Login with Skirda"
cancelButton = "Cancel"
@ -122,6 +126,8 @@ launcherUpdatesHeaderDesc = "Download, install, and review updates for the launc
checkForUpdates = "Check for Updates"
whatsNew = "What's New"
updateReleaseNotes = "Update Release Notes"
skirdaAccount = "Skirda"
addSkirdaAccount = "Authorize with Skirda"
waitingText = "Waiting for Microsoft.."
@ -279,6 +285,11 @@ latestVersionTitle = "You Are Running the Latest Version"
checkForUpdatesButton = "Check for Updates"
checkingForUpdatesButton = "Checking for Updates.."
errorTitle = "Microsoft Login Failed"
errorMessage = "We were unable to authenticate your Microsoft account. Please try again."
okButton = "OK"
fatalErrorTitle = "Fatal Error: Unable to Load Distribution Index"
fatalErrorMessage = "A connection could not be established to our servers to download the distribution index. No local copies were available to load. <br><br>The distribution index is an essential file which provides the latest server information. The launcher is unable to start without it. Ensure you are connected to the internet and relaunch the application."
@ -295,3 +306,45 @@ selectAnotherAccountButton = "Select Another Account"
checkingForUpdateButton = "Checking for Updates..."
installNowButton = "Install Now"
checkForUpdatesButton = "Check for Updates"
noProfileTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Profile Not Set Up"
noProfileDesc = "Your Microsoft account does not yet have a Minecraft profile set up. If you have recently purchased the game or redeemed it through Xbox Game Pass, you have to set up your profile on <a href=\"\"></a>.<br><br>If you have not yet purchased the game, you can also do that on <a href=\"\"></a>."
noXboxAccountTitle = "Error During Login:<br>No Xbox Account"
noXboxAccountDesc = "Your Microsoft account has no Xbox account associated with it."
xblBannedTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Xbox Live Unavailable"
xblBannedDesc = "Your Microsoft account is from a country where Xbox Live is not available or banned."
under18Title = "Error During Login:<br>Parental Approval Required"
under18Desc = "Accounts for users under the age of 18 must be added to a Family by an adult."
unknownTitle = "Unknown Error During Login"
unknownDesc = "An unknown error has occurred. Please see the console for details."
methodNotAllowedTitle = "Internal Error:<br>Method Not Allowed"
methodNotAllowedDesc = "Method not allowed. Please report this error."
notFoundTitle = "Internal Error:<br>Not Found"
notFoundDesc = "The authentication endpoint was not found. Please report this issue."
accountMigratedTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Account Migrated"
accountMigratedDesc = "You've attempted to login with a migrated account. Try again using the account email as the username."
invalidCredentialsTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Invalid Credentials"
invalidCredentialsDesc = "The email or password you've entered is incorrect. Please try again."
tooManyAttemptsTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Too Many Attempts"
tooManyAttemptsDesc = "There have been too many login attempts with this account recently. Please try again later."
invalidTokenTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Invalid Token"
invalidTokenDesc = "The provided access token is invalid."
tokenHasProfileTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Token Has Profile"
tokenHasProfileDesc = "Access token already has a profile assigned. Selecting profiles is not implemented yet."
credentialsMissingTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Credentials Missing"
credentialsMissingDesc = "Username/password was not submitted or password is less than 3 characters."
invalidSaltVersionTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Invalid Salt Version"
invalidSaltVersionDesc = "Invalid salt version."
unsupportedMediaTypeTitle = "Internal Error:<br>Unsupported Media Type"
unsupportedMediaTypeDesc = "Unsupported media type. Please report this error."
accountGoneTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Account Migrated"
accountGoneDesc = "Account has been migrated to a Microsoft account. Please log in with Microsoft."
unreachableTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Unreachable"
unreachableDesc = "Unable to reach the authentication servers. Ensure that they are online and you are connected to the internet."
gameNotPurchasedTitle = "Error During Login:<br>Game Not Purchased"
gameNotPurchasedDesc = "The account you are trying to login with has not purchased a copy of Minecraft. You may purchase a copy on <a href=\"\"></a>"
unknownErrorTitle = "Unknown Error During Login"
unknownErrorDesc = "An unknown error has occurred. Please see the console for details."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
updateAvailableTooltip = "Доступно обновление"
usernamePlaceholder = "Никнейм"
usernameEditButton = "Изм."
settingsTooltip = "Настройки"
serverStatus = "СЕРВЕР"
serverStatusPlaceholder = "ОФФЛАЙН"
mojangStatus = "Статус серверов Mojang"
mojangStatusTooltipTitle = "Сервисы"
mojangStatusNETitle = "Остальное"
newsButton = "КАРТА"
launchButton = "ИГРАТЬ"
launchButtonPlaceholder = "• Сервер не запущен"
launchDetails = "Пожалуйста, подождите..."
newsNavigationStatus = "{currentPage} из {totalPages}"
newsErrorLoadSpan = "Checking for News.."
newsErrorFailedSpan = "Failed to Load News"
newsErrorRetryButton = "Try Again"
newsErrorNoneSpan = "No News"
mapButton = "КАРТА"
loginCancelText = "Отмена"
loginEmailError = "* Неправильное значение"
loginEmailPlaceholder = "ПОЧТА ИЛИ НИКНЕЙМ"
loginPasswordError = "* Требуется"
loginPasswordPlaceholder = "ПАРОЛЬ"
loginForgotPasswordLink = ""
loginForgotPasswordText = "Забыли пароль?"
loginRememberMeText = "Запомнить"
loginButtonText = "ЛОГИН"
loginNeedAccountLink = ""
loginNeedAccountText = "Нужен аккаунт?"
loginPasswordDisclaimer1 = "Ваш пароль отправляется напрямую в Mojang и не сохраняется у нас."
loginPasswordDisclaimer2 = "{appName} не имеет ничего общего с Mojang AB."
loginSkirdaTitle = "Авторизация через Skirda"
loginSkirdaInit = "Для продолжения авторизации мы открыли вкладку в вашем браузере по-умолчанию"
loginOptionsTitle = "Опции входа"
loginWithMicrosoft = "Зайти с помощью Microsoft"
loginWithMojang = "Зайти с помощью Mojang"
loginWithSkirda = "Зайти с помощью Skirda"
cancelButton = "Отмена"
serverSelectHeader = "Доступные сервера"
serverSelectConfirm = "Выбрать"
serverSelectCancel = "Отменить"
accountSelectHeader = "Выбрать аккаунт"
accountSelectConfirm = "Выбрать"
accountSelectCancel = "Отменить"
navHeaderText = "Настройки"
navAccount = "Аккаунт"
navMinecraft = "Minecraft"
navMods = "Моды"
navJava = "Java"
navLauncher = "Лаунчер"
navAbout = "О лаунчере"
navUpdates = "Обновления"
navDone = "Готово"
tabAccountHeaderText = "Настройки аккаунта"
tabAccountHeaderDesc = "Добавить новый аккаунт или редактировать существующий."
microsoftAccount = "Microsoft"
addMicrosoftAccount = "+ добавить аккаунт Microsoft"
mojangAccount = "Mojang"
addMojangAccount = "+ добавить аккаунт Mojang"
minecraftTabHeaderText = "Настройки Minecraft"
minecraftTabHeaderDesc = "Опции для запуска игры"
gameResolutionTitle = "Разрешение игры"
launchFullscreenTitle = "Запуск в полноэкранном режиме"
autoConnectTitle = "Автоматически подключаться при запуске"
launchDetachedTitle = "Запускать игру отдельным процессом"
launchDetachedDesc = "Если игра не откреплена, закрытие лаунчера приведет к закрытию игры."
tabModsHeaderText = "Настройки модов"
tabModsHeaderDesc = "Включение и отключение модов"
switchServerButton = "Переключить"
requiredMods = "Требуемые моды"
optionalMods = "Опциональные моды"
dropinMods = "Подключаемые моды"
addMods = "Добавить моды"
dropinRefreshNote = "(Нажмите F5, чтобы обновить)"
shaderpacks = "Паки шейдеров"
shaderpackDesc = "Включение и отключение шейдеров. Учтите, что шейдеры будут хорошо работать только на мощных системах. Вы можете добавить свои паки здесь."
selectShaderpack = "Выберите пак шейдеров"
tabJavaHeaderText = "Настройки Java"
tabJavaHeaderDesc = "Настройка конфигурации Java (advanced)."
memoryTitle = "Память"
maxRAM = "Максимально допустимый объем ОЗУ"
minRAM = "Минимально допустимый объем ОЗУ"
memoryDesc = "Рекомендуемый минимум объема ОЗУ - 3 Гб. Установка одинакового максимального и миниального значений может увеличить производительность."
memoryTotalTitle = "Всего"
memoryAvailableTitle = "Доступно"
javaExecutableTitle = "Исполняющие файлы Java"
javaExecSelDialogTitle = "Выбрать исполняющий файл Java"
javaExecSelButtonText = "Выберите файл"
javaExecDesc = "Исполняющий файл Java проверяется перед запуском игры."
javaPathDesc = "Путь должен окончаться <strong>{pathSuffix}</strong>."
jvmOptsTitle = "Дополнительные опции JVM"
jvmOptsDesc = "Опции JVM в процессе работы. <em>-Xms</em> и <em>-Xmx</em> не должны быть вписаны."
launcherTabHeaderText = "Настройки лаунчера"
launcherTabHeaderDesc = "Опции, относящиеся к лаунчеру."
allowPrereleaseTitle = "Устанавливать бета-версии."
allowPrereleaseDesc = "Бета-версии включают в себя новые функции, которые еще не были достаточно протестированы.<br>Всегда включено, если вы на бета-версии."
dataDirectoryTitle = "Папка Minecraft"
selectDataDirectory = "Выберите папку Minecraft"
chooseFolder = "Выберите папку"
dataDirectoryDesc = "Все игровые файлы и Java будут хранится в этой папке.<br>Скриншоты и одиночные миры хранятся в соответсвующей серверу папке."
aboutTabHeaderText = "О"
aboutTabHeaderDesc = "Посмотреть информацию и историю изменений этой версии."
aboutTitle = "{appName}"
stableRelease = "Стабильная версия"
versionText = "Версия "
sourceGithub = "Источник (GitHub)"
support = "Поддержка"
devToolsConsole = "DevTools Console"
releaseNotes = "Примечания к релизу"
changelog = "Изменения"
noReleaseNotes = "Нет примечаний к релизу"
viewReleaseNotes = "Посмотреть примечания к релизу"
launcherUpdatesHeaderText = "Обновления лаунчера"
launcherUpdatesHeaderDesc = "Проверить наличие новых версий и обновить."
checkForUpdates = "Проверить на наличие обновлений"
whatsNew = "Что нового?"
updateReleaseNotes = "Причения к обновлению"
skirdaAccount = "Скирда"
addSkirdaAccount = "Авторизироватся через Скирду"
waitingText = "Ожидание Microsoft.."
continueButton = "ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ"
waiting = "Ожидание клиента.."
state = "Сервер: {shortId}"
microsoftLoginTitle = "Логин через Microsoft"
microsoftLogoutTitle = "Выход из Microsoft"
login = "ЛОГИН"
loggingIn = "АВТОРИЗАЦИЯ..."
tryAgain = "Попробуйте еще раз"
invalidValue = "* Неверное значение"
requiredValue = "* Требуется"
title = "Неизвестная ошибка при авторизации"
desc = "Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Проверте консоль (Ctrl + Shift + I) чтобы узнать, что случулось."
pleaseWait = "Пожалуйста, подождите..."
failureTitle = "Ошибка при запуске :("
failureText = "Сделайте скриншот из консоли (CTRL + Shift + I) и скажите Грише, что все пошло по пизде."
okay = "Окей"
noAccountSelected = "Не выбран аккаунт"
noSelection = "Не выбран сервер"
loading = "Загрузка..."
server = "СЕРВЕР"
offline = "ОФФЛАЙН"
players = "ИГРОКИ"
checking = "Проверяю вашу систему..."
noCompatibleJava = "Не найдено подходящей<br>Java системы!"
installJavaMessage = "Для запуска Minecraft, вам нужна 64-бит Java {major}. Установить?"
installJava = "Установить Java"
installJavaManually = "Установить вручную"
javaDownloadPrepare = "Подготовка к загрузке Java..."
javaDownloadFailureTitle = "Ошибка при загрузке :("
javaDownloadFailureText = "Смотрите консоль (CTRL + Shift + i) для информации."
javaRequired = "Необходима Java<br>для запуска"
javaRequiredMessage = 'Необходима x64 версия Java {major} для запуска.<br><br>Обратитесь к администраторам проекта для помощи.'
javaRequiredDismiss = "Понятно"
javaRequiredCancel = "Назад"
findJdkFailure = "Не нашел дистрибутив OpenJDK."
javaDownloadCorruptedError = "Загруженный дистрибутив JDK, кажется, поврежден (несовпадение хеш-сумм)."
extractingJava = "Распаковка Java"
javaInstalled = "Java установлена!"
loadingServerInfo = "Загружаю информацию о сервере..."
fatalError = "Критическая ошибка!"
unableToLoadDistributionIndex = "Не могу загрузить копию дистрибутивов. Обратитесь к администрации проекта."
pleaseWait = "Пожалуйста, подождите..."
errorDuringLaunchTitle = "Ошибка при запуске"
seeConsoleForDetails = "Обратитесь к администрации проекта."
validatingFileIntegrity = "Проверка целостности файлов..."
errorDuringFileVerificationTitle = "Ошибка при проверке!"
downloadingFiles = "Загрузка файлов..."
errorDuringFileDownloadTitle = "Ошибка при загрузке!"
preparingToLaunch = "Подготовка к запуску..."
launchingGame = "Запускаю игру..."
launchWrapperNotDownloaded = "Ошибка загрузки главного файла (LaunchWrapper). Игра не может быть запущена.<br><br>Попробуйте отключить антивирус.<br><br>Если проблема не получится решить, то обратитесь к администрации проекта."
doneEnjoyServer = "Готово. Приятной игры!"
checkConsoleForDetails = "Смотрите консоль (CTRL + Shift + i) для информации об ошибке."
checking = "Checking for News"
loading = "Загрузка игры..."
joining = "Подключается к серверу!"
joined = "Играет на сервере!"
dismiss = "Скрыть"
executables = "Исполняющие файлы"
allFiles = "Все файлы"
errorTitle = "Что-то пошло не так..."
errorMessage = "Аутентификация через Microsoft не получилась. Попробуйте еще раз."
okButton = "OK"
errorTitle = "Что-то пошло не так..."
errorMessage = "Выйти из аккаунта Microsoft не получилось. Попробуйте еще раз."
okButton = "OK"
selectButton = "Выбрать аккаунт"
selectedButton = "Выбранный аккаунт ✔"
lastAccountWarningTitle = "Внимание!<br>Это ваш единственный аккаунт"
lastAccountWarningMessage = "Для захода в игру нужно быть авторизированым хотя бы в одном аккаунте. Будет необходимо снова авторизироваться.<br><br>Вы уверены?"
confirmButton = "Подтвердить"
cancelButton = "Отменить"
username = "Никнейм"
uuid = "UUID"
selectAccount = "Выбрать аккаунт"
selectedAccount = "Выбранный аккаунт ✓"
logout = "Выйти"
removeButton = "Удалить"
deleteFailedTitle = "Не получилось удалить <br>подключаемый мод {fullName}"
deleteFailedMessage = "Убедитесь, что файл не используется и попробуйте снова."
failedToggleTitle = "Ошибка при подключении<br>одного или более подключаемых модов"
okButton = "ОК"
mainServer = "Основной сервер"
selectedJava = "Выбрано: Java {version} ({vendor})"
invalidSelection = "Неправильный выбор"
requiresJava = "Требутеся Java {major} x64."
availableOptions = "Доступные опции Java {major} (HotSpot VM)"
preReleaseTitle = "Бета-версия"
stableReleaseTitle = "Стабильная версия"
releaseNotesFailed = "Ошибка при загрузке примечаний обновления."
newReleaseTitle = "Доступна новая версия!"
newPreReleaseTitle = "Доступна новая бета-версия!"
downloadingButton = "Загружаю..."
downloadButton = 'Скачайте с ОТКУДА? <span style="font-size: 10px;color: gray;text-shadow: none !important;">Закройте лаунчер и запустите .dmg файл для обновления.</span>'
latestVersionTitle = "Установлена последняя версия"
checkForUpdatesButton = "Проверить обновления"
checkingForUpdatesButton = "Проверяю обновления..."
fatalErrorTitle = "Критическая ошибка!: Unable to Load Distribution Index"
fatalErrorMessage = "A connection could not be established to our servers to download the distribution index. No local copies were available to load. <br><br>The distribution index is an essential file which provides the latest server information. The launcher is unable to start without it. Ensure you are connected to the internet and relaunch the application."
closeButton = "Close"
failedMessageTitle = "Ошибка при обновлении авторизации"
failedMessage = "Не получилось обновить авторизацию для <strong>{account}</strong>. Выберите другой аккаунт или попробуйте снова."
failedMessageSelectAnotherAccount = "Не получилось обновить авторизацию для <strong>{account}</strong>. Авторизируйтесь снова."
loginButton = "Авторизироваться"
selectAnotherAccountButton = "Выберите другой аккаунт"
checkingForUpdateButton = "Проверка обновлений..."
installNowButton = "Установить"
checkForUpdatesButton = "Проверить обновления"
Normal file
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<span id="newsArticleDate">Mar 15, 44 BC, 9:14 AM</span>
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
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@ -22,13 +22,16 @@
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<!-- <a href="" id="settingsAboutSourceButton" class="settingsAboutButton">Original Source</a> -->
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
owner: dscalzi
repo: HeliosLauncher
provider: github
owner: Skirda
repo: SkirdaElectronLauncher
provider: generic
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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productName: 'Helios Launcher'
appId: 'skirdalauncher'
productName: 'Skirda Launcher'
artifactName: '${productName}-setup-${version}.${ext}'
copyright: 'Copyright © 2018-2022 Daniel Scalzi'
copyright: 'Copyright © 2018-2024 Daniel Scalzi'
asar: true
compression: 'maximum'
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ mac:
# Linux Configuration
target: 'AppImage'
maintainer: 'Daniel Scalzi'
vendor: 'Daniel Scalzi'
synopsis: 'Modded Minecraft Launcher'
maintainer: 'Greg Brzezinski'
vendor: 'Greg Brzezinski'
synopsis: 'Minecraft Launcher for Skirda Servers'
description: 'Custom launcher which allows users to join modded servers. All mods, configurations, and updates are handled automatically.'
category: 'Game'
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
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