Added distromanager.js to represent distro elements.
Moved all distro refresh code to distromanager.js.
Overhauled assetexec.js.
Overhauled handling of assetexec.js output in landing.js.
Overhauled events emitted by assetguard.js.
Improved doenload processing in assetguard.
Updated discord-rpc to v3.0.0.
Replaced westeroscraft.json with distribution.json.
Use npm in travis for windows + linux.
Remove file extension from imports.
Added liteloader + macromod + shaders to distribution.json.
Something must have changed on discord's end, as our previous solution is no longer working. The latest changes to the module include a clearActivity() method, however it is not available on npm. Until it is, we are using the implementation directly.