Added warning message when console is opened, this is in preparation for alpha.
Added a new background image. Restored random backgrounds on launch (for now).
Changed the overlay dismiss/cancel buttons from anchors to buttons.
Moved server selection styles to launcher.css, as they are nearly finished.
Moved overlay convenience functions to overlay.js.
Moved launch area (landing.ejs) convenience functions to landing.js.
Various cleanups and documentation also added.
The server list is now centered. The minimum height was set to 40%, with a maximum of 65%. The UI will now scale to ideally fit the given number of servers. Four servers can be shown before scrolling enables.
You will be given an option to install Java manually. Selecting this will bring you to a final prompt which gives some useful information about installing Java and where you can find help. You have two options on this prompt. The first is to simply aknowledge it, which will dismiss it. The second is to go back to the first prompt.