Start to prune original asset guard to see what still needs to be replaced.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ const crypto = require('crypto')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const { LoggerUtil } = require('helios-core')
const { DistributionAPI } = require('helios-core/common')
const { Type } = require('helios-distribution-types')
const nodeDiskInfo = require('node-disk-info')
const StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip')
const path = require('path')
@ -16,8 +14,6 @@ const request = require('request')
const tar = require('tar-fs')
const zlib = require('zlib')
const ConfigManager = require('./configmanager')
const { REMOTE_DISTRO_URL } = require('./distromanager')
const isDev = require('./isdev')
const isARM64 = process.arch === 'arm64'
@ -44,86 +40,6 @@ class Asset {
/** Class representing a mojang library. */
class Library extends Asset {
* Converts the process.platform OS names to match mojang's OS names.
static mojangFriendlyOS(){
const opSys = process.platform
if (opSys === 'darwin') {
return 'osx'
} else if (opSys === 'win32'){
return 'windows'
} else if (opSys === 'linux'){
return 'linux'
} else {
return 'unknown_os'
* Checks whether or not a library is valid for download on a particular OS, following
* the rule format specified in the mojang version data index. If the allow property has
* an OS specified, then the library can ONLY be downloaded on that OS. If the disallow
* property has instead specified an OS, the library can be downloaded on any OS EXCLUDING
* the one specified.
* If the rules are undefined, the natives property will be checked for a matching entry
* for the current OS.
* @param {Array.<Object>} rules The Library's download rules.
* @param {Object} natives The Library's natives object.
* @returns {boolean} True if the Library follows the specified rules, otherwise false.
static validateRules(rules, natives){
if(rules == null) {
if(natives == null) {
return true
} else {
return natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()] != null
for(let rule of rules){
const action = rule.action
const osProp = rule.os
if(action != null && osProp != null){
const osName =
const osMoj = Library.mojangFriendlyOS()
if(action === 'allow'){
return osName === osMoj
} else if(action === 'disallow'){
return osName !== osMoj
return true
class DistroModule extends Asset {
* Create a DistroModule. This is for processing,
* not equivalent to the module objects in the
* distro index.
* @param {any} id The id of the asset.
* @param {string} hash The hash value of the asset.
* @param {number} size The size in bytes of the asset.
* @param {string} from The url where the asset can be found.
* @param {string} to The absolute local file path of the asset.
* @param {string} type The the module type.
constructor(id, hash, size, from, to, type){
super(id, hash, size, from, to)
this.type = type
* Class representing a download tracker. This is used to store meta data
* about a download queue, including the queue itself.
@ -1169,416 +1085,10 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
* Function which finalizes the forge installation process. This creates a 'version'
* instance for forge and saves its version.json file into that instance. If that
* instance already exists, the contents of the version.json file are read and returned
* in a promise.
* @param {Asset} asset The Asset object representing Forge.
* @param {string} commonPath The common path for shared game files.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to the contents of forge's version.json.
static _finalizeForgeAsset(asset, commonPath){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(, (err, data) => {
const zip = new AdmZip(data)
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
for(let i=0; i<zipEntries.length; i++){
if(zipEntries[i].entryName === 'version.json'){
const forgeVersion = JSON.parse(zip.readAsText(zipEntries[i]))
const versionPath = path.join(commonPath, 'versions',
const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, + '.json')
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(versionPath, + '.json'), zipEntries[i].getData())
} else {
//Read the saved file to allow for user modifications.
resolve(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile, 'utf-8')))
//We didn't find forge's version.json.
reject('Unable to finalize Forge processing, version.json not found! Has forge changed their format?')
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Validation Functions
// #region
* Loads the version data for a given minecraft version.
* @param {string} version The game version for which to load the index data.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the version index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} Promise which resolves to the version data object.
loadVersionData(version, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const versionPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'versions', version)
const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, version + '.json')
if(!fs.existsSync(versionFile) || force){
const url = await self._getVersionDataUrl(version)
//This download will never be tracked as it's essential and trivial.
||||'Preparing download of ' + version + ' assets.')
const stream = request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(versionFile))
stream.on('finish', () => {
} else {
* Parses Mojang's version manifest and retrieves the url of the version
* data index.
* @param {string} version The version to lookup.
* @returns {Promise.<string>} Promise which resolves to the url of the version data index.
* If the version could not be found, resolves to null.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request('', (error, resp, body) => {
} else {
const manifest = JSON.parse(body)
for(let v of manifest.versions){
if( === version){
// Asset (Category=''') Validation Functions
// #region
* Public asset validation function. This function will handle the validation of assets.
* It will parse the asset index specified in the version data, analyzing each
* asset entry. In this analysis it will check to see if the local file exists and is valid.
* If not, it will be added to the download queue for the 'assets' identifier.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
validateAssets(versionData, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self._assetChainIndexData(versionData, force).then(() => {
//Chain the asset tasks to provide full async. The below functions are private.
* Private function used to chain the asset validation process. This function retrieves
* the index data.
* @param {Object} versionData
* @param {boolean} force
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
_assetChainIndexData(versionData, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Asset index constants.
const assetIndex = versionData.assetIndex
const name = + '.json'
const indexPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'assets', 'indexes')
const assetIndexLoc = path.join(indexPath, name)
let data = null
if(!fs.existsSync(assetIndexLoc) || force){
||||'Downloading ' + + ' asset index.')
const stream = request(assetIndex.url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(assetIndexLoc))
stream.on('finish', () => {
data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8'))
self._assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, data).then(() => {
} else {
data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8'))
self._assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, data).then(() => {
* Private function used to chain the asset validation process. This function processes
* the assets and enqueues missing or invalid files.
* @param {Object} versionData
* @param {boolean} force
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
_assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, indexData){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Asset constants
const resourceURL = ''
const localPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'assets')
const objectPath = path.join(localPath, 'objects')
const assetDlQueue = []
let dlSize = 0
let acc = 0
const total = Object.keys(indexData.objects).length
//const objKeys = Object.keys(data.objects)
async.forEachOfLimit(indexData.objects, 10, (value, key, cb) => {
self.emit('progress', 'assets', acc, total)
const hash = value.hash
const assetName = path.join(hash.substring(0, 2), hash)
const urlName = hash.substring(0, 2) + '/' + hash
const ast = new Asset(key, hash, value.size, resourceURL + urlName, path.join(objectPath, assetName))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(, 'sha1', ast.hash)){
dlSize += (ast.size*1)
}, (err) => {
self.assets = new DLTracker(assetDlQueue, dlSize)
// #endregion
// Library (Category=''') Validation Functions
// #region
* Public library validation function. This function will handle the validation of libraries.
* It will parse the version data, analyzing each library entry. In this analysis, it will
* check to see if the local file exists and is valid. If not, it will be added to the download
* queue for the 'libraries' identifier.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const libArr = versionData.libraries
const libPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'libraries')
const libDlQueue = []
let dlSize = 0
//Check validity of each library. If the hashs don't match, download the library.
async.eachLimit(libArr, 5, (lib, cb) => {
if(Library.validateRules(lib.rules, lib.natives)){
let artifact = (lib.natives == null) ? lib.downloads.artifact : lib.downloads.classifiers[lib.natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()].replace('${arch}', process.arch.replace('x', ''))]
const libItm = new Library(, artifact.sha1, artifact.size, artifact.url, path.join(libPath, artifact.path))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(, 'sha1', libItm.hash)){
dlSize += (libItm.size*1)
}, (err) => {
self.libraries = new DLTracker(libDlQueue, dlSize)
// #endregion
// Miscellaneous (Category=files) Validation Functions
// #region
* Public miscellaneous mojang file validation function. These files will be enqueued under
* the 'files' identifier.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
const self = this
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
await self.validateClient(versionData)
await self.validateLogConfig(versionData)
* Validate client file - artifact renamed from client.jar to '{version}'.jar.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
validateClient(versionData, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const clientData = versionData.downloads.client
const version =
const targetPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'versions', version)
const targetFile = version + '.jar'
let client = new Asset(version + ' client', clientData.sha1, clientData.size, clientData.url, path.join(targetPath, targetFile))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(, 'sha1', client.hash) || force){
self.files.dlsize += client.size*1
} else {
* Validate log config.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = versionData.logging.client
const file = client.file
const targetPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'assets', 'log_configs')
let logConfig = new Asset(, file.sha1, file.size, file.url, path.join(targetPath,
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(, 'sha1', logConfig.hash)){
self.files.dlsize += logConfig.size*1
} else {
// #endregion
// Distribution (Category=forge) Validation Functions
// #region
* Validate the distribution.
* @param {Server} server The Server to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to the server distribution object.
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self.forge = self._parseDistroModules(server.getModules(), server.getMinecraftVersion(), server.getID())
_parseDistroModules(modules, version, servid){
let alist = []
let asize = 0
for(let ob of modules){
let obArtifact = ob.getArtifact()
let obPath = obArtifact.getPath()
let artifact = new DistroModule(ob.getIdentifier(), obArtifact.getHash(), obArtifact.getSize(), obArtifact.getURL(), obPath, ob.getType())
const validationPath = obPath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.pack.xz') ? obPath.substring(0, obPath.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.pack.xz')) : obPath
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(validationPath, 'MD5', artifact.hash)){
asize += artifact.size*1
if(validationPath !== obPath) this.extractQueue.push(obPath)
//Recursively process the submodules then combine the results.
if(ob.getSubModules() != null){
let dltrack = this._parseDistroModules(ob.getSubModules(), version, servid)
asize += dltrack.dlsize*1
alist = alist.concat(dltrack.dlqueue)
return new DLTracker(alist, asize)
* Loads Forge's version.json data into memory for the specified server id.
* @param {string} server The Server to load Forge data for.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to Forge's version.json data.
const self = this
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const modules = server.getModules()
for(let ob of modules){
const type = ob.getType()
if(type === Type.ForgeHosted || type === Type.Forge){
if(Util.isForgeGradle3(server.getMinecraftVersion(), ob.getVersion())){
// Read Manifest
for(let sub of ob.getSubModules()){
if(sub.getType() === Type.VersionManifest){
resolve(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(sub.getArtifact().getPath(), 'utf-8')))
reject('No forge version manifest found!')
} else {
let obArtifact = ob.getArtifact()
let obPath = obArtifact.getPath()
let asset = new DistroModule(ob.getIdentifier(), obArtifact.getHash(), obArtifact.getSize(), obArtifact.getURL(), obPath, type)
try {
let forgeData = await AssetGuard._finalizeForgeAsset(asset, self.commonPath)
} catch (err){
reject('No forge module found!')
* Forge asset validations are already implemented. When there's nothing much
* to work on, implement forge downloads using forge's version.json. This is to
* have the code on standby if we ever need it (since it's half implemented already).
// #endregion
// Java (Category=''') Validation (download) Functions
// #region
@ -1820,55 +1330,6 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
async validateEverything(serverid, dev = false){
try {
const api = new DistributionAPI(
const dI = await api.getDistributionLocalLoadOnly()
// TODO replace all
const server = dI.getServer(serverid)
// Validate Everything
await this.validateDistribution(server)
this.emit('validate', 'distribution')
const versionData = await this.loadVersionData(server.getMinecraftVersion())
this.emit('validate', 'version')
await this.validateAssets(versionData)
this.emit('validate', 'assets')
await this.validateLibraries(versionData)
this.emit('validate', 'libraries')
await this.validateMiscellaneous(versionData)
this.emit('validate', 'files')
await this.processDlQueues()
//this.emit('complete', 'download')
const forgeData = await this.loadForgeData(server)
return {
} catch (err){
return {
versionData: null,
forgeData: null,
error: err
// #endregion
Reference in New Issue
Block a user