James Lyne e91f820322 Improve handing of append_to_world
- Always use the store map list for checking for/retrieving maps, to avoid the non-unique map name problem append_to_world otherwise causes
- Change LiveAtlasWorldDefinition maps property to Set as map keys were not unique if appended maps with the same names existed
- Add appended map to both original and appended world's map set. The appended world needs this to display the map in the UI, the original world needs this to avoid situations where LiveAtlas needs the "first" map of a world, and that world has 0 non-appended maps (i.e switching worlds when following, URL without a map name)
- Add an appendedWorld property to maps to indicate when a map has been appended. This is used by MapContextMenu to show the appended world's map list instead, and in WorldListItem to filter out maps appended to other worlds
- Use the map's world property instead of the world prop in the template for WorldListItem. This fixes tooltips and prevents duplicate IDs.

Fixes #345
2022-02-04 21:58:07 +00:00

351 lines
7.9 KiB

* Copyright 2021 James Lyne
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {State} from "@/store";
import {DynmapUrlConfig} from "@/dynmap";
import LiveAtlasMapDefinition from "@/model/LiveAtlasMapDefinition";
import {
DoneCallback, FitBoundsOptions,
} from "leaflet";
import {CoordinatesControlOptions} from "@/leaflet/control/CoordinatesControl";
import {ClockControlOptions} from "@/leaflet/control/ClockControl";
import {LogoControlOptions} from "@/leaflet/control/LogoControl";
import {globalMessages, serverMessages} from "../messages";
import {LiveAtlasMarkerType} from "@/util/markers";
import {LiveAtlasTileLayerOptions} from "@/leaflet/tileLayer/LiveAtlasTileLayer";
declare module "*.png" {
const value: any;
export = value;
declare module '*.vue' {
import type {DefineComponent} from 'vue'
const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>
export default component
declare global {
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
interface Window {
liveAtlasConfig: LiveAtlasGlobalConfig,
declare const process : {
env: {
export interface ProcessEnv {
[key: string]: string | undefined
interface Coordinate {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
interface Coordinate2D {
x: number;
y: number;
interface LiveAtlasLocation {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
world?: string;
interface LiveAtlasBounds {
min: Coordinate;
max: Coordinate;
world?: string;
interface LiveAtlasMapViewTarget {
location: LiveAtlasLocation | LiveAtlasBounds;
map?: string;
zoom?: number;
options?: FitBoundsOptions;
interface LiveAtlasGlobalConfig {
servers: Map<string, LiveAtlasServerDefinition>;
messages: LiveAtlasGlobalMessageConfig;
ui: LiveAtlasUIConfig;
version?: number;
interface LiveAtlasServerDefinition {
id: string;
label?: string;
dynmap?: DynmapUrlConfig;
pl3xmap?: string;
squaremap?: string;
// Messages defined directly in LiveAtlas and used for all servers
type LiveAtlasGlobalMessageConfig = {
[K in typeof globalMessages[number]]: string;
// Messages defined by dynmap configuration responses and can vary per server
type LiveAtlasServerMessageConfig = {
[K in typeof serverMessages[number]]: string;
type LiveAtlasMessageConfig = LiveAtlasGlobalMessageConfig & LiveAtlasServerMessageConfig;
interface LiveAtlasUIConfig {
playersAboveMarkers: boolean;
playersSearch: boolean;
compactPlayerMarkers: boolean;
export type LiveAtlasUIElement = 'layers' | 'chat' | LiveAtlasSidebarSection;
export type LiveAtlasUIModal = 'login' | 'settings';
export type LiveAtlasSidebarSection = 'servers' | 'players' | 'maps' | 'markers';
export type LiveAtlasDimension = 'overworld' | 'nether' | 'end';
export type LiveAtlasSidebarSectionState = {
collapsed?: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasPlayer {
name: string;
displayName: string;
uuid?: string;
armor: number;
health: number;
sort: number;
hidden: boolean;
location: LiveAtlasLocation;
yaw?: number;
interface LiveAtlasSortedPlayers extends Array<LiveAtlasPlayer> {
dirty?: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasWorldDefinition {
seaLevel: number;
name: string;
displayName: string;
dimension: LiveAtlasDimension;
center: Coordinate;
defaultZoom?: number;
maps: Set<LiveAtlasMapDefinition>;
interface LiveAtlasWorldState {
raining: boolean;
thundering: boolean;
timeOfDay: number;
interface LiveAtlasParsedUrl {
world?: string;
map?: string;
location?: Coordinate;
zoom?: number;
legacy: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasMapProvider {
loadServerConfiguration(): Promise<void>;
populateWorld(world: LiveAtlasWorldDefinition): Promise<void>;
startUpdates(): void;
stopUpdates(): void;
createTileLayer(options: LiveAtlasTileLayerOptions): LiveAtlasTileLayer;
sendChatMessage(message: string): void;
login(formData: FormData): void;
logout(): void;
register(formData: FormData): void;
getPlayerHeadUrl(entry: HeadQueueEntry): string;
getTilesUrl(): string;
getMarkerIconUrl(icon: string): string;
interface LiveAtlasMarkerSet {
id: string,
label: string;
hidden: boolean;
priority: number;
minZoom?: number;
maxZoom?: number;
showLabels?: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasMarker {
id: string;
type: LiveAtlasMarkerType;
tooltip: string;
tooltipHTML?: string;
popup?: string;
isPopupHTML?: boolean;
location: Coordinate;
minZoom?: number;
maxZoom?: number;
interface LiveAtlasPointMarker extends LiveAtlasMarker {
type: LiveAtlasMarkerType.POINT;
dimensions: PointTuple;
icon: string;
interface LiveAtlasPathMarker extends LiveAtlasMarker {
style: PathOptions;
bounds: LiveAtlasBounds;
interface LiveAtlasLineMarker extends LiveAtlasPathMarker {
type: LiveAtlasMarkerType.LINE;
points: Coordinate[];
style: PolylineOptions;
interface LiveAtlasAreaMarker extends LiveAtlasLineMarker {
type: LiveAtlasMarkerType.AREA;
outline: boolean;
points: Coordinate[] | Coordinate[][];
interface LiveAtlasCircleMarker extends LiveAtlasPathMarker {
type: LiveAtlasMarkerType.CIRCLE;
radius: PointTuple;
interface HeadQueueEntry {
cacheKey: string;
name: string;
uuid?: string;
size: LiveAtlasPlayerImageSize;
image: HTMLImageElement;
interface LiveAtlasServerConfig {
defaultMap?: string;
defaultWorld?: string;
defaultZoom: number;
followMap?: string;
followZoom?: number;
title: string;
expandUI: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasComponentConfig {
markers: {
showLabels: boolean;
playerMarkers?: LiveAtlasPlayerMarkerConfig;
playerList: {
showImages: boolean;
coordinatesControl?: CoordinatesControlOptions;
clockControl?: ClockControlOptions;
linkControl: boolean;
layerControl: boolean;
logoControls: Array<LogoControlOptions>;
chatBox?: LiveAtlasChatBoxConfig;
chatSending?: LiveAtlasChatSendingConfig;
chatBalloons: boolean;
login: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasPartialComponentConfig {
markers?: {
showLabels: boolean;
playerMarkers?: LiveAtlasPlayerMarkerConfig;
coordinatesControl?: CoordinatesControlOptions;
clockControl?: ClockControlOptions;
linkControl?: boolean;
layerControl?: boolean;
logoControls?: Array<LogoControlOptions>;
chatBox?: LiveAtlasChatBoxConfig;
chatSending?: LiveAtlasChatSendingConfig;
chatBalloons?: boolean;
login?: boolean;
interface LiveAtlasPlayerMarkerConfig {
grayHiddenPlayers: boolean;
hideByDefault: boolean;
layerName: string;
layerPriority: number;
imageSize: LiveAtlasPlayerImageSize;
showHealth: boolean;
showArmor: boolean;
showYaw: boolean;
export type LiveAtlasPlayerImageSize = 'none' | 'small' | 'large' | 'body';
interface LiveAtlasChatBoxConfig {
allowUrlName: boolean;
showPlayerFaces: boolean;
messageLifetime: number;
messageHistory: number;
interface LiveAtlasChatSendingConfig {
loginRequired: boolean;
maxLength: number;
cooldown: number;
interface LiveAtlasChat {
type: 'chat' | 'playerjoin' | 'playerleave';
playerAccount?: string;
playerName?: string;
channel?: string;
message?: string;
source?: string;
timestamp: number;
export interface LiveAtlasInternalTiles extends InternalTiles {
[key: string]: LiveAtlasTile;
export interface LiveAtlasTile {
active?: boolean;
coords: Coords;
current: boolean;
el: LiveAtlasTileElement;
loaded?: Date;
retain?: boolean;
complete: boolean;
export interface LiveAtlasTileElement extends HTMLImageElement {
tileName?: string;
url: string;
callback: DoneCallback;
abortController: AbortController;