/* * Copyright 2020 James Lyne * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {MutationTypes} from "@/store/mutation-types"; import {ActionContext, ActionTree} from "vuex"; import {State} from "@/store/state"; import {ActionTypes} from "@/store/action-types"; import {Mutations} from "@/store/mutations"; import { DynmapAreaUpdate, DynmapCircleUpdate, DynmapConfigurationResponse, DynmapLineUpdate, DynmapMarkerSet, DynmapMarkerUpdate, DynmapPlayer, DynmapTileUpdate, DynmapUpdateResponse } from "@/dynmap"; import {getAPI} from "@/util"; import {LiveAtlasWorld} from "@/index"; type AugmentedActionContext = { commit( key: K, payload: Parameters[1] ):ReturnType; } & Omit, "commit"> export interface Actions { [ActionTypes.LOAD_CONFIGURATION]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, ):Promise [ActionTypes.GET_UPDATE]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, ):Promise [ActionTypes.GET_MARKER_SETS]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, ):Promise> [ActionTypes.SET_PLAYERS]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: Set ):Promise> [ActionTypes.POP_MARKER_UPDATES]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: {markerSet: string, amount: number} ): Promise [ActionTypes.POP_AREA_UPDATES]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: {markerSet: string, amount: number} ): Promise [ActionTypes.POP_CIRCLE_UPDATES]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: {markerSet: string, amount: number} ): Promise [ActionTypes.POP_LINE_UPDATES]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: {markerSet: string, amount: number} ): Promise [ActionTypes.POP_TILE_UPDATES]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: number ): Promise [ActionTypes.SEND_CHAT_MESSAGE]( {commit}: AugmentedActionContext, payload: string ): Promise } export const actions: ActionTree & Actions = { async [ActionTypes.LOAD_CONFIGURATION]({commit, state}): Promise { //Clear any existing has to avoid triggering a second config load, after this load changes the hash commit(MutationTypes.CLEAR_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_HASH, undefined); const config = await getAPI().getConfiguration(); commit(MutationTypes.SET_SERVER_CONFIGURATION, config.config); commit(MutationTypes.SET_SERVER_MESSAGES, config.messages); commit(MutationTypes.SET_WORLDS, config.worlds); commit(MutationTypes.SET_COMPONENTS, config.components); commit(MutationTypes.SET_LOGGED_IN, config.loggedIn); //Skip default map/ui visibility logic if we already have a map selected (i.e config reload after hash change) if(state.currentMap) { return config; } //Make UI visible if configured, there's enough space to do so, and this is the first config load if(!state.ui.visibleElements.size && state.configuration.expandUI && !state.ui.smallScreen) { commit(MutationTypes.SET_UI_ELEMENT_VISIBILITY, {element: 'players', state: true}); commit(MutationTypes.SET_UI_ELEMENT_VISIBILITY, {element: 'maps', state: true}); } let worldName, mapName; // Use config default world if it exists if(config.config.defaultWorld && state.worlds.has(config.config.defaultWorld)) { worldName = config.config.defaultWorld; } // Prefer world from parsed url if present and it exists if(state.parsedUrl?.world && state.worlds.has(state.parsedUrl.world)) { worldName = state.parsedUrl.world; } // Use first world, if any, if neither of the above exist if(!worldName) { worldName = state.worlds.size ? state.worlds.entries().next().value[1].name : undefined; } if(worldName) { const world = state.worlds.get(worldName) as LiveAtlasWorld; // Use config default map if it exists if(config.config.defaultMap && world.maps.has(config.config.defaultMap)) { mapName = config.config.defaultMap; } // Prefer map from parsed url if present and it exists if(state.parsedUrl?.map && world.maps.has(state.parsedUrl.map)) { mapName = state.parsedUrl.map; } // Use first map, if any, if neither of the above exist if(!mapName) { mapName = world.maps.size ? world.maps.entries().next().value[1].name : undefined; } } if(worldName && mapName) { commit(MutationTypes.SET_CURRENT_MAP, { worldName, mapName }); } return config; }, async [ActionTypes.GET_UPDATE]({commit, dispatch, state}) { if(!state.currentWorld) { return Promise.reject("No current world"); } const update = await getAPI().getUpdate(state.updateRequestId, state.currentWorld.name, state.updateTimestamp.valueOf()); commit(MutationTypes.SET_WORLD_STATE, update.worldState); commit(MutationTypes.SET_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP, new Date(update.timestamp)); commit(MutationTypes.INCREMENT_REQUEST_ID, undefined); commit(MutationTypes.ADD_MARKER_SET_UPDATES, update.updates.markerSets); commit(MutationTypes.ADD_TILE_UPDATES, update.updates.tiles); commit(MutationTypes.ADD_CHAT, update.updates.chat); commit(MutationTypes.SET_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_HASH, update.configHash); await dispatch(ActionTypes.SET_PLAYERS, update.players); return update; }, [ActionTypes.SET_PLAYERS]({commit, state}, players: Set) { const keep: Set = new Set(); for(const player of players) { keep.add(player.account); } //Remove any players that aren't in the set commit(MutationTypes.SYNC_PLAYERS, keep); const processQueue = (players: Set, resolve: Function) => { commit(MutationTypes.SET_PLAYERS_ASYNC, players); if(!players.size) { resolve(); } else { requestAnimationFrame(() => processQueue(players, resolve)); } } //Set players every frame until done return new Promise((resolve) => { requestAnimationFrame(() => processQueue(players, resolve)); }); }, async [ActionTypes.GET_MARKER_SETS]({commit, state}) { if(!state.currentWorld) { throw new Error("No current world"); } const markerSets = await getAPI().getMarkerSets(state.currentWorld.name) commit(MutationTypes.SET_MARKER_SETS, markerSets); return markerSets; }, async [ActionTypes.POP_MARKER_UPDATES]({commit, state}, {markerSet, amount}: {markerSet: string, amount: number}): Promise { if(!state.markerSets.has(markerSet)) { console.warn(`POP_MARKER_UPDATES: Marker set ${markerSet} doesn't exist`); return []; } const updates = state.pendingSetUpdates.get(markerSet)!.markerUpdates.slice(0, amount); commit(MutationTypes.POP_MARKER_UPDATES, {markerSet, amount}); return updates; }, async [ActionTypes.POP_AREA_UPDATES]({commit, state}, {markerSet, amount}: {markerSet: string, amount: number}): Promise { if(!state.markerSets.has(markerSet)) { console.warn(`POP_AREA_UPDATES: Marker set ${markerSet} doesn't exist`); return []; } const updates = state.pendingSetUpdates.get(markerSet)!.areaUpdates.slice(0, amount); commit(MutationTypes.POP_AREA_UPDATES, {markerSet, amount}); return updates; }, async [ActionTypes.POP_CIRCLE_UPDATES]({commit, state}, {markerSet, amount}: {markerSet: string, amount: number}): Promise { if(!state.markerSets.has(markerSet)) { console.warn(`POP_CIRCLE_UPDATES: Marker set ${markerSet} doesn't exist`); return []; } const updates = state.pendingSetUpdates.get(markerSet)!.circleUpdates.slice(0, amount); commit(MutationTypes.POP_CIRCLE_UPDATES, {markerSet, amount}); return updates; }, async [ActionTypes.POP_LINE_UPDATES]({commit, state}, {markerSet, amount}: {markerSet: string, amount: number}): Promise { if(!state.markerSets.has(markerSet)) { console.warn(`POP_LINE_UPDATES: Marker set ${markerSet} doesn't exist`); return []; } const updates = state.pendingSetUpdates.get(markerSet)!.lineUpdates.slice(0, amount); commit(MutationTypes.POP_LINE_UPDATES, {markerSet, amount}); return updates; }, async [ActionTypes.POP_TILE_UPDATES]({commit, state}, amount: number): Promise> { const updates = state.pendingTileUpdates.slice(0, amount); commit(MutationTypes.POP_TILE_UPDATES, amount); return updates; }, async [ActionTypes.SEND_CHAT_MESSAGE]({commit, state}, message: string): Promise { await getAPI().sendChatMessage(message); }, }