import L, {ControlOptions} from 'leaflet'; import {useStore} from "@/store"; import {DynmapWorldState} from "@/dynmap"; export interface ClockControlOptions extends ControlOptions { showDigitalClock: boolean; showWeather: boolean; } export class ClockControl extends L.Control { // @ts-ignore options: ClockControlOptions; private _map ?: L.Map; private _container?: HTMLElement; private _sun?: HTMLElement; private _moon?: HTMLElement; private _clock?: HTMLElement; private _weather?: HTMLElement; constructor(options: ClockControlOptions) { super(options); options.position = 'topleft'; L.Util.setOptions(this, options); } onAdd(map: L.Map) { this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'largeclock timeofday'); this._sun = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'timeofday sun', this._container); this._moon = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'timeofday moon', this._sun); = (-150) + 'px ' + (-150) + 'px'; = (-150) + 'px ' + (-150) + 'px'; if (this.options.showDigitalClock) { this._clock = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'timeofday digitalclock', this._container) } if (this.options.showWeather) { this._weather = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'weather', this._container) } return this._container; } update(worldState: DynmapWorldState) { const timeOfDay = worldState.timeOfDay; let sunAngle; if (timeOfDay > 23100 || timeOfDay < 12900) { //day mode let movedTime = timeOfDay + 900; movedTime = (movedTime >= 24000) ? movedTime - 24000 : movedTime; //Now we have 0 -> 13800 for the day period //Divide by 13800*2=27600 instead of 24000 to compress day sunAngle = ((movedTime) / 27600 * 2 * Math.PI); } else { //night mode const movedTime = timeOfDay - 12900; //Now we have 0 -> 10200 for the night period //Divide by 10200*2=20400 instead of 24000 to expand night sunAngle = Math.PI + ((movedTime) / 20400 * 2 * Math.PI); } const moonAngle = sunAngle + Math.PI; if (timeOfDay >= 0) { this._sun!.style.backgroundPosition = (-50 * Math.cos(sunAngle)) + 'px ' + (-50 * Math.sin(sunAngle)) + 'px'; this._moon!.style.backgroundPosition = (-50 * Math.cos(moonAngle)) + 'px ' + (-50 * Math.sin(moonAngle)) + 'px'; } else { this._sun!.style.backgroundPosition = '-150px -150px'; this._moon!.style.backgroundPosition = '-150px -150px'; } const minecraftTime = this.getMinecraftTime(timeOfDay); if(timeOfDay >= 0) { this._clock!.classList.remove(minecraftTime.night ? 'day' : 'night'); this._clock!.classList.add( ? 'day' : 'night'); this._clock!.textContent = [ minecraftTime.hours.toString().padStart(2, '0'), minecraftTime.minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') ].join(':'); } else { this._clock!.classList.remove(minecraftTime.night ? 'day' : 'night'); this._clock!.textContent = ''; } if(this.options.showWeather) { const dayNight = (timeOfDay > 23100 || timeOfDay < 12900) ? "day" : "night"; let className = 'sunny'; if (worldState.raining) { className = 'stormy'; if (worldState.thundering) { className = 'thunder'; } } this._weather?.classList.remove('stormy_day', 'stormy_night', 'sunny_day', 'sunny_night', 'thunder_day', 'thunder_night'); this._weather?.classList.add(`${className}_${dayNight}`); } } getMinecraftTime(serverTime: number) { const day = serverTime >= 0 && serverTime < 13700; return { serverTime: serverTime, days: Math.floor((serverTime + 8000) / 24000), // Assuming it is day at 6:00 hours: (Math.floor(serverTime / 1000) + 6) % 24, minutes: Math.floor(((serverTime / 1000) % 1) * 60), seconds: Math.floor(((((serverTime / 1000) % 1) * 60) % 1) * 60), day: day, night: !day }; } }