/* * Copyright 2021 James Lyne * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { HeadQueueEntry, LiveAtlasArea, LiveAtlasCircle, LiveAtlasComponentConfig, LiveAtlasDimension, LiveAtlasLine, LiveAtlasMarker, LiveAtlasMarkerSet, LiveAtlasPartialComponentConfig, LiveAtlasPlayer, LiveAtlasServerConfig, LiveAtlasServerDefinition, LiveAtlasServerMessageConfig, LiveAtlasWorldDefinition } from "@/index"; import LiveAtlasMapDefinition from "@/model/LiveAtlasMapDefinition"; import {MutationTypes} from "@/store/mutation-types"; import MapProvider from "@/providers/MapProvider"; import {ActionTypes} from "@/store/action-types"; import {titleColoursRegex} from "@/util"; export default class Pl3xmapMapProvider extends MapProvider { private configurationAbort?: AbortController = undefined; private markersAbort?: AbortController = undefined; private playersAbort?: AbortController = undefined; private updatesEnabled = false; private updateTimeout: number = 0; private updateTimestamp: Date = new Date(); private updateInterval: number = 3000; private worldSettings: Map = new Map(); constructor(config: LiveAtlasServerDefinition) { super(config); } private static buildServerConfig(response: any): LiveAtlasServerConfig { return { title: (response.ui?.title || 'Pl3xmap').replace(titleColoursRegex, ''), expandUI: response.ui?.sidebar?.pinned === 'pinned', //Not used by pl3xmap defaultZoom: 1, defaultMap: undefined, defaultWorld: undefined, followMap: undefined, followZoom: undefined, }; } private static buildMessagesConfig(response: any): LiveAtlasServerMessageConfig { return { worldsHeading: response.ui?.sidebar?.world_list_label || '', playersHeading: response.ui?.sidebar?.player_list_label || '', //Not used by pl3xmap chatPlayerJoin: '', chatPlayerQuit: '', chatAnonymousJoin: '', chatAnonymousQuit: '', chatErrorNotAllowed: '', chatErrorRequiresLogin: '', chatErrorCooldown: '', } } private buildWorlds(serverResponse: any, worldResponses: any[]): Array { const worlds: Array = []; (serverResponse.worlds || []).filter((w: any) => w && !!w.name).forEach((world: any, index: number) => { const worldResponse = worldResponses[index], worldConfig: {components: LiveAtlasPartialComponentConfig } = { components: {}, }; if(worldResponse.player_tracker?.enabled) { worldConfig.components.playerMarkers = { grayHiddenPlayers: true, hideByDefault: !!worldResponse.player_tracker?.default_hidden, layerName: worldResponse.player_tracker?.label || '', layerPriority: worldResponse.player_tracker?.priority, showBodies: false, showSkinFaces: true, showHealth: !!worldResponse.player_tracker?.nameplates?.show_health, smallFaces: true, } } this.worldSettings.set(world.name, worldConfig); if(!worldResponse) { console.warn(`World ${world.name} has no matching world config. Ignoring.`); return; } let dimension: LiveAtlasDimension = 'overworld'; if(world.type === 'nether') { dimension = 'nether'; } else if(world.type === 'the_end') { dimension = 'nether'; } const maps: Map = new Map(); maps.set('flat', Object.freeze(new LiveAtlasMapDefinition({ world: world, background: 'transparent', backgroundDay: 'transparent', backgroundNight: 'transparent', icon: undefined, imageFormat: 'png', name: 'flat', displayName: 'Flat', nativeZoomLevels: worldResponse.zoom.max || 1, extraZoomLevels: worldResponse.zoom.extra || 0, tileUpdateInterval: worldResponse.tiles_update_interval ? worldResponse.tiles_update_interval * 1000 : undefined, }))); worlds.push({ name: world.name || '(Unnamed world)', displayName: world.display_name || world.name, dimension, protected: false, seaLevel: 0, height: 256, center: {x: worldResponse.spawn.x, y: 0, z: worldResponse.spawn.z}, maps, }); }); return Array.from(worlds.values()); } private static buildComponents(response: any): LiveAtlasComponentConfig { const components: LiveAtlasComponentConfig = { markers: { showLabels: false, }, coordinatesControl: undefined, linkControl: !!response.ui?.link?.enabled, layerControl: !!response.ui?.coordinates?.enabled, //Configured per-world playerMarkers: undefined, //Not used by pl3xmap chatBox: undefined, chatBalloons: false, clockControl: undefined, logoControls: [], login: false, }; if(response.ui?.coordinates?.enabled) { //Try to remove {x}/{z} placeholders are we aren't using them const label = (response.ui?.coordinates?.html || "Location: ").replace(/{x}.*{z}/gi, '').trim(), labelPlain = new DOMParser().parseFromString(label, 'text/html').body.textContent || ""; components.coordinatesControl = { showY: false, label: labelPlain, showRegion: false, showChunk: false, } } return components; } private async getMarkerSets(world: LiveAtlasWorldDefinition): Promise> { const url = `${this.config.pl3xmap}tiles/${world.name}/markers.json`; if(this.markersAbort) { this.markersAbort.abort(); } this.markersAbort = new AbortController(); const response = await Pl3xmapMapProvider.getJSON(url, this.markersAbort.signal); const sets: Map = new Map(); if(!Array.isArray(response)) { return sets; } response.forEach(set => { if(!set || !set.id) { console.warn('Ignoring marker set without id'); return; } const id = set.id; const markers: Map = new Map(), circles: Map = new Map(), areas: Map = new Map(), lines: Map = new Map(); (set.markers || []).forEach((marker: any) => { switch(marker.type) { case 'icon': markers.set(`marker-${markers.size}`, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildMarker(marker)); break; case 'polyline': lines.set(`line-${lines.size}`, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildLine(marker)); break; case 'rectangle': areas.set(`area-${areas.size}`, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildRectangle(marker)); break; case 'polygon': areas.set(`area-${areas.size}`, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildArea(marker)); break; case 'circle': case 'ellipse': circles.set(`circle-${circles.size}`, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildCircle(marker)); break; default: console.warn('Marker type ' + marker.type + ' not supported'); } }); const e = { id, label: set.name || "Unnamed set", hidden: set.hide || false, priority: set.order || 0, showLabels: false, markers, circles, areas, lines, }; sets.set(id, e); }); return sets; } private static buildMarker(marker: any): LiveAtlasMarker { return { location: { x: marker.point?.x || 0, y: 0, z: marker.point?.z || 0, }, dimensions: marker.size ? [marker.size.x || 16, marker.size.z || 16] : [16, 16], icon: marker.icon || "default", label: (marker.tooltip || '').trim(), isLabelHTML: true }; } private static buildRectangle(area: any): LiveAtlasArea { return Object.seal({ style: { stroke: typeof area.stroke !== 'undefined' ? !!area.stroke : true, color: area.color || '#3388ff', weight: area.weight || 3, opacity: typeof area.opacity !== 'undefined' ? area.opacity : 1, fill: typeof area.stroke !== 'undefined' ? !!area.stroke : true, fillColor: area.fillColor || area.color || '#3388ff', fillOpacity: area.fillOpacity || 0.2, fillRule: area.fillRule, }, points: [ area.points[0], {x: area.points[0].x, z: area.points[1].z}, area.points[1], {x: area.points[1].x, z: area.points[0].z}, ], outline: false, tooltipContent: area.tooltip, popupContent: area.popup, isPopupHTML: true, }); } private static buildArea(area: any): LiveAtlasArea { return Object.seal({ style: { stroke: typeof area.stroke !== 'undefined' ? !!area.stroke : true, color: area.color || '#3388ff', weight: area.weight || 3, opacity: typeof area.opacity !== 'undefined' ? area.opacity : 1, fill: typeof area.fill !== 'undefined' ? !!area.fill : true, fillColor: area.fillColor || area.color || '#3388ff', fillOpacity: area.fillOpacity || 0.2, fillRule: area.fillRule, }, points: area.points, outline: false, tooltipContent: area.tooltip, popupContent: area.popup, isPopupHTML: true, }); } private static buildLine(line: any): LiveAtlasLine { return Object.seal({ style: { stroke: typeof line.stroke !== 'undefined' ? !!line.stroke : true, color: line.color || '#3388ff', weight: line.weight || 3, opacity: typeof line.opacity !== 'undefined' ? line.opacity : 1, }, points: line.points, tooltipContent: line.tooltip, popupContent: line.popup, isPopupHTML: true, }); } private static buildCircle(circle: any): LiveAtlasCircle { return Object.seal({ location: { x: circle.center?.x || 0, y: 0, z: circle.center?.z || 0, }, radius: [circle.radiusX || circle.radius || 0, circle.radiusZ || circle.radius || 0], style: { stroke: typeof circle.stroke !== 'undefined' ? !!circle.stroke : true, color: circle.color || '#3388ff', weight: circle.weight || 3, opacity: typeof circle.opacity !== 'undefined' ? circle.opacity : 1, fill: typeof circle.stroke !== 'undefined' ? !!circle.stroke : true, fillColor: circle.fillColor || circle.color || '#3388ff', fillOpacity: circle.fillOpacity || 0.2, fillRule: circle.fillRule, }, tooltipContent: circle.tooltip, popupContent: circle.popup, isPopupHTML: true }); } async loadServerConfiguration(): Promise { if(this.configurationAbort) { this.configurationAbort.abort(); } this.configurationAbort = new AbortController(); const baseUrl = this.config.pl3xmap, response = await Pl3xmapMapProvider.getJSON(`${baseUrl}tiles/settings.json`, this.configurationAbort.signal); if (response.error) { throw new Error(response.error); } const config = Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildServerConfig(response), worldNames: string[] = (response.worlds || []).filter((world: any) => world && !!world.name) .map((world: any) => world.name); const worldResponses = await Promise.all(worldNames.map(name => Pl3xmapMapProvider.getJSON(`${baseUrl}tiles/${name}/settings.json`, this.configurationAbort!.signal))); this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_SERVER_CONFIGURATION, config); this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_SERVER_MESSAGES, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildMessagesConfig(response)); this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_WORLDS, this.buildWorlds(response, worldResponses)); this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_COMPONENTS, Pl3xmapMapProvider.buildComponents(response)); } async populateWorld(world: LiveAtlasWorldDefinition) { const markerSets = await this.getMarkerSets(world), worldConfig = this.worldSettings.get(world.name); this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_MARKER_SETS, markerSets); this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_COMPONENTS, worldConfig!.components); } private async getPlayers(): Promise> { const url = `${this.config.pl3xmap}/tiles/players.json`; if(this.playersAbort) { this.playersAbort.abort(); } this.playersAbort = new AbortController(); const response = await Pl3xmapMapProvider.getJSON(url, this.playersAbort.signal), players: Set = new Set(); (response.players || []).forEach((player: any) => { players.add({ name: (player.name || '').toLowerCase(), uuid: player.uuid, displayName: player.name || "", health: player.health || 0, armor: player.armor || 0, sort: 0, hidden: false, location: { //Add 0.5 to position in the middle of a block x: !isNaN(player.x) ? player.x + 0.5 : 0, y: 0, z: !isNaN(player.z) ? player.z + 0.5 : 0, world: player.world, } }); }); // Extra fake players for testing // for(let i = 0; i < 450; i++) { // players.add({ // name: "VIDEO GAMES " + i, // displayName: "VIDEO GAMES " + i, // health: Math.round(Math.random() * 10), // armor: Math.round(Math.random() * 10), // sort: Math.round(Math.random() * 10), // hidden: false, // location: { // x: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000) - 500, // y: 0, // z: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000) - 500, // world: "world", // } // }); // } this.store.commit(MutationTypes.SET_MAX_PLAYERS, response.max || 0); return players; } startUpdates() { this.updatesEnabled = true; this.update(); } private async update() { try { const players = await this.getPlayers(); this.updateTimestamp = new Date(); await this.store.dispatch(ActionTypes.SET_PLAYERS, players); } finally { if(this.updatesEnabled) { if(this.updateTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.updateTimeout); } this.updateTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.update(), this.updateInterval); } } } stopUpdates() { this.updatesEnabled = false; if (this.updateTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.updateTimeout); } this.updateTimeout = 0; } getTilesUrl(): string { return `${this.config.pl3xmap}tiles/`; } getPlayerHeadUrl(head: HeadQueueEntry): string { //TODO: Listen to config return 'https://mc-heads.net/avatar/{uuid}/16'.replace('{uuid}', head.uuid || ''); } getMarkerIconUrl(icon: string): string { return `${this.config.pl3xmap}images/icon/registered/${icon}.png`; } destroy() { super.destroy(); if(this.configurationAbort) { this.configurationAbort.abort(); } if(this.playersAbort) { this.playersAbort.abort(); } if(this.markersAbort) { this.markersAbort.abort(); } } }