/* * Copyright 2021 James Lyne * * Some portions of this file were taken from https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap. * These portions are Copyright 2020 Dynmap Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {DivIconOptions, PointExpression, Icon, DivIcon, DomUtil, point} from 'leaflet'; import {useStore} from "@/store"; export interface GenericIconOptions extends DivIconOptions { icon: string; label: string; isHtml?: boolean; showLabel?: boolean; } const markerContainer: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div'); markerContainer.className = 'marker'; const markerIcon: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement('img'); markerIcon.className = 'marker__icon'; const markerLabel: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement('span'); markerLabel.className = 'marker__label'; export class GenericIcon extends DivIcon { static defaultOptions: GenericIconOptions = { icon: 'default', label: '', iconSize: [16, 16], isHtml: false, className: '', }; declare options: GenericIconOptions; private _image?: HTMLImageElement; private _label?: HTMLSpanElement; private _container?: HTMLDivElement; private _labelCreated: boolean = false; private _onHover: EventListener = () => { this.createLabel(); }; constructor(options: GenericIconOptions) { super(Object.assign(GenericIcon.defaultOptions, options)); } createIcon(oldIcon: HTMLElement) { if (oldIcon) { DomUtil.remove(oldIcon); } const div = markerContainer.cloneNode(false) as HTMLDivElement, url = useStore().state.currentMapProvider!.getMarkerIconUrl(this.options.icon), size = point(this.options.iconSize as PointExpression); this._image = markerIcon.cloneNode(false) as HTMLImageElement; this._image.width = size.x; this._image.height = size.y; this._image.src = url; // @ts-ignore Icon.prototype._setIconStyles.call(this, div, 'icon'); div.appendChild(this._image); div.classList.add('marker'); if(this.options.className) { div.classList.add(this.options.className); } //Create label lazily on hover this._image.addEventListener('mouseover', this._onHover); this._container = div; return div; } createLabel() { if(!this._container || this._labelCreated) { return; } this._image?.removeEventListener('mouseover', this._onHover); const size = point(this.options.iconSize as PointExpression), sizeClass = [size.x, size.y].join('x'); this._label = markerLabel.cloneNode(false) as HTMLSpanElement; this._label.classList.add(/*'markerName_' + set.id,*/ `marker__label--${sizeClass}`); if (this.options.isHtml) { this._label.innerHTML = this.options.label; } else { this._label.textContent = this.options.label; } this._container!.appendChild(this._label); this._labelCreated = true; } removeLabel() { if(!this._container || !this._labelCreated) { return; } this._label!.remove(); this._label = undefined; this._labelCreated = false; } update(options: GenericIconOptions) { if(this._image && options.icon !== this.options.icon) { this._image!.src = useStore().state.currentMapProvider!.getMarkerIconUrl(this.options.icon); this.options.icon = options.icon; } const iconSize = point(options.iconSize || [16, 16] as PointExpression), oldSize = point(this.options.iconSize as PointExpression); if(this._image && (iconSize.x !== oldSize.x || iconSize.y !== oldSize.y)) { this._image!.width = iconSize.x; this._image!.height = iconSize.y; this.options.iconSize = options.iconSize; } if(this._label && (options.label !== this.options.label || options.isHtml !== this.options.isHtml)) { if (options.isHtml) { this._label!.innerHTML = options.label; } else { this._label!.textContent = options.label; } this.options.isHtml = options.isHtml; this.options.label = options.label; } } }