A [Dynmap](https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap) and [Pl3xmap](https://github.com/pl3xgaming/Pl3xMap) frontend built with [Vue.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) and Typescript.
LiveAtlas is a drop-in replacement for the original Dynmap frontend, which aims to provide a more modern interface and improved performance for busy maps. Pl3xmap maps are also supported with some configuration.
You are also free to build LiveAtlas yourself to make further changes.
## Building
First run `npm install` to install LiveAtlas dependencies. You can then either run `npm run serve` to start a local dev server, or `npm run build` to build.
## Support
If you find a bug, please create an issue with as must detail as possible. I'm working on this in my spare time, so fixes are on a best effort basis, but I'll eventually find time for them.
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